UNIT, DIRECT SUPPORT AND GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCEFigure 194. Body, Cab, and Hood Assemblies Front Plate.Figure 194. Body, Cab, and Hood Assemblies Front Plate. - ContinuedSMALL EMPLACEMENT EXCAVATOR (SEE) AND HIGH MOBILITY MATERIAL HANDLER (HMMH)Figure 195. Body, Cab, and Hood Assemblies Roll-over Protection (ROPS) and Falling Object Protection (FOPS).Figure 195. Body, Cab, and Hood Assemblies Roll-over Protection (ROPS) and Falling Object Protection (FOPS). - ContinuedFigure 195. Body, Cab, and Hood Assemblies Roll-over Protection (ROPS) and Falling Object Protection (FOPS). - ContinuedSMALL EMPLACEMENT EXCAVATOR (SEE) AND HIGH MOBILITY MATERIAL HANDLER (HMMH)- BODY, CAB, AND HOOD ASSEMBLIES Figure 196. Body, Cab, and Hood Assemblies Vehicular Cab and Engine Compartment Hood.Figure 196. Body, Cab, and Hood Assemblies Vehicular Cab and Engine Compartment Hood. - ContinuedBODY, CAB, AND HOOD ASSEMBLIES VEHICULAR DOOR PILLAR 421 620 03 13,AND LEFT PILLAR ASSEMBLY 406 620 02 13Figure 197. Body, Cab, and Hood Assemblies Vehicular Door Pillar and Left Pillar Assembly.Figure 197. Body, Cab, and Hood Assemblies Vehicular Door Pillar and Left Pillar Assembly. - ContinuedBODY, CAB, AND HOOD ASSEMBLIES LEFT VEHICULAR DOOR 419 720 00 01, RIGHT VEHICULAR DOOR 419 720 01 01 (LEFT ILLUSTRATED)Figure 198. Body, Cab, and Hood Assemblies Left Vehicular Door, Right Vehicular Door (Left Illustrated).Figure 198. Body, Cab, and Hood Assemblies Left Vehicular Door, Right Vehicular Door (Left Illustrated). - ContinuedBODY, CAB, AND HOOD ASSEMBLIES DOOR HANDLE, LATCH, AND WINDOW REGULATOR (LEFT DOOR ILLUSTRATED)Figure 199. Body, Cab, and Hood Assemblies Door Handle, Latch, and Window Regulator (Left Door Illustrated).Figure 199. Body, Cab, and Hood Assemblies Door Handle, Latch, and Window Regulator (Left Door Illustrated). - ContinuedBODY, CAB, AND HOOD ASSEMBLIES HYDRAULIC SUSPENSION LOCKOUT MOUNTING BRACKETFigure 200. Body, Cab, and Hood Assemblies Hydraulic Suspension Lockout Mounting Bracket.Figure 200. Body, Cab, and Hood Assemblies Hydraulic Suspension Lockout Mounting Bracket. - ContinuedBODY, CAB, AND HOOD ASSEMBLIES BACKHOE CONTROL TOWERFigure 201. Body, Cab, and Hood Assemblies Backhoe Control Tower.Figure 201. Body, Cab, and Hood Assemblies Backhoe Control Tower. - ContinuedFENDERS, RUNNING BOARDS WITH MOUNTING AND ATTACHING PARTS, OUTRIGGERS, WINDSHIELD, GLASS, ETC. FRONT FENDERS AND SPLASH GUARDSFigure 202. Fenders, Running Boards with Mounting and Attaching Parts, Outriggers, Windshield, Glass, Etc. Front Fenders and Splash Guards.Figure 202. Fenders, Running Boards with Mounting and Attaching Parts, Outriggers, Windshield, Glass, Etc. Front Fenders and Splash Guards. - ContinuedFENDERS, RUNNING BOARDS WITH MOUNTING AND ATTACHING PARTS, OUTRIGGERS, WINDSHIELD, GLASS, ETC REAR SPLASH GUARDSFigure 203. Fenders, Running Boards with Mounting and Attaching Parts, Outriggers, Windshield, Glass, Etc. Rear Splash Guards.Figure 203. Fenders, Running Boards with Mounting and Attaching Parts, Outriggers, Windshield, Glass, Etc. Rear Splash Guards. - ContinuedFENDERS, RUNNING BOARDS WITH MOUNTING AND ATTACHING PARTS, OUTRIGGERS, WINDSHIELD, GLASS, ETC. VEHICULAR LEFT WINDOW 406 720 02 55, AND VEHICULAR RIGHT WINDOW 406 720 03 55 (LEFT DOOR ILLUSTRATED)Figure 204. Fenders, Running Boards with Mounting and Attaching Parts, Outriggers, Windshield, Glass, Etc. Left Vehicular Window and Right Vehicular Window (Left Door Illustrated).Figure 204. Fenders, Running Boards with Mounting and Attaching Parts, Outriggers, Windshield, Glass, Etc. Left Vehicular Window and Right Vehicular Window (Left Door Illustrated). - ContinuedFigure 204. Fenders, Running Boards with Mounting and Attaching Parts, Outriggers, Windshield, Glass, Etc. Left Vehicular Window and Right Vehicular Window (Left Door Illustrated). - ContinuedFENDERS, RUNNING BOARDS WITH MOUNTING AND ATTACHING PARTS, OUTRIGGERS, WINDSHIELD, GLASS, ETC. FRONT AND REAR WINDOWSFigure 205. Fenders, Running Boards with Mounting and Attaching Parts, Outriggers, Windshield, Glass, Etc. Front and Rear Windows.Figure 205. Fenders, Running Boards with Mounting and Attaching Parts, Outriggers, Windshield, Glass, Etc. Front and Rear Windows. - ContinuedDRAIN VALVES, DRAIN PLUGS, ETC. CAB DRAIN PLUGFigure 206. Drain Valves, Drain Plugs, Etc. Cab Drain Plug.FLOORS, SUBFLOORS, AND RELATED COMPONENTS FRONT CAB MOUNTINGFigure 207. Floors, Subfloors, and Related Components Front Cab Mounting.Figure 207. Floors, Subfloors, and Related Components Front Cab Mounting. - ContinuedFLOORS, SUBFLOORS, AND RELATED COMPONENTS REAR CAB MOUNTINGFigure 208. Floors, Subfloors, and Related Components Rear Cab Mounting.Figure 208. Floors, Subfloors, and Related Components Rear Cab Mounting. - ContinuedFLOORS, SUBFLOORS, AND RELATED COMPONENTS ACCESS COVER 419 683 01 15Figure 209. Floors, Subfloors, and Related Components Access Cover.Figure 209. Floors, Subfloors, and Related Components Access Cover. - ContinuedUPHOLSTERY SEATS AND CARPETS BACKHOE ADJUSTABLE SEATFigure 210. Upholstery Seats and Carpets Backhoe Adjustable Seat.Figure 210. Upholstery Seats and Carpets Backhoe Adjustable Seat. - ContinuedUPHOLSTERY SEATS AND CARPETS Figure 211. Upholstery Seats and Carpets Vehicular Seat, Vehicular Seat Back Cushion, Vehicular Seat Cushion, and Vehicular Seat.Figure 211. Upholstery Seats and Carpets Vehicular Seat, Vehicular Seat Back Cushion, Vehicular Seat Cushion, and Vehicular Seat. - ContinuedFigure 211. Upholstery Seats and Carpets Vehicular Seat, Vehicular Seat Back Cushion, Vehicular Seat Cushion, and Vehicular Seat. - ContinuedUPHOLSTERY SEATS AND CARPETS VEHICULAR SEAT 416 910 51 03, VEHICULAR SEAT BACK CUSHION 416 910 00 33, AND VEHICULAR SEAT CUSHION 416 910 00 31Figure 212. Upholstery Seats and Carpets Vehicular Seat, Vehicular Seat Back Cushion, and Vehicular Seat Cushion.Figure 212. Upholstery Seats and Carpets Vehicular Seat, Vehicular Seat Back Cushion, and Vehicular Seat Cushion. - ContinuedUPHOLSTERY SEATS AND CARPETS SEAT BELTSFigure 213. Upholstery Seats and Carpets Seat Belts.Figure 213. Upholstery Seats and Carpets Seat Belts. - ContinuedUPHOLSTERY SEATS AND CARPETS FLOOR LININGSFigure 214. Upholstery Seats and Carpets Floor Linings.Figure 214. Upholstery Seats and Carpets Floor Linings. - ContinuedUPHOLSTERY SEATS AND CARPETS SUN VISOR AND GRIP HANDLESFigure 215. Upholstery Seats and Carpets Sun Visor and Grip Handles.Figure 215. Upholstery Seats and Carpets Sun Visor and Grip Handles. - ContinuedSTOWAGE RACKS, BOXES, STRAPS, CARRYING CASES, CABLE REELS, HOSE REELS, ETC. Figure 216. Stowage Racks, Boxes, Straps, Carrying Cases, Cable Reels, Hose Reels, Etc. Access Boxes, Access Box Forward Door, and Access Door.Figure 216. Stowage Racks, Boxes, Straps, Carrying Cases, Cable Reels, Hose Reels, Etc. Access Boxes, Access Box Forward Door, and Access Door. - ContinuedFigure 216. Stowage Racks, Boxes, Straps, Carrying Cases, Cable Reels, Hose Reels, Etc. Access Boxes, Access Box Forward Door, and Access Door. - ContinuedSTOWAGE RACKS, BOXES, STRAPS, CARRYING CASES, CABLE REELS, HOSE REELS, ETC. Figure 217. Stowage Racks, Boxes, Straps, Carrying Cases, Cable Reels, Hose Reels Etc. Stowage Accessories Box and Stowage Box Lid.Figure 217. Stowage Racks, Boxes, Straps, Carrying Cases, Cable Reels, Hose Reels Etc. Stowage Accessories Box and Stowage Box Lid. - ContinuedSTOWAGE RACKS, BOXES, STRAPS, CARRYING CASES, CABLE REELS, HOSE REELS, ETC. Figure 218. Stowage Racks Boxes, Straps, Carrying Cases, Cable Reels, Hose Reels, Etc. Hose Reel Assembly and Hose Reel.Figure 218. Stowage Racks Boxes, Straps, Carrying Cases, Cable Reels, Hose Reels, Etc. Hose Reel Assembly and Hose Reel. - ContinuedFigure 218. Stowage Racks Boxes, Straps, Carrying Cases, Cable Reels, Hose Reels, Etc. Hose Reel Assembly and Hose Reel. - ContinuedBODY, CHASSIS, OR HULL AND ACCESSORY ITEMS REAR MIRROR ASSEMBLY 419 810 70 16 (LEFT ILLUSTRATED)Figure 219. Body, Chassis, or Hull and Accessory Items Rear Mirror Assembly (Left Illustrated).Figure 219. Body, Chassis, or Hull and Accessory Items Rear Mirror Assembly (Left Illustrated). - ContinuedACCESSORY ITEMS WINDSHIELD WIPER BLADE 000 820 5345, MOTOR, AND WASHERFigure 220. Accessory Items Windshield Wiper Blade, Motor, and Washer.Figure 220. Accessory Items Windshield Wiper Blade, Motor, and Washer. - ContinuedFigure 220. Accessory Items Windshield Wiper Blade, Motor, and Washer. - ContinuedACCESSORY ITEMS CAB HEATER DUCTS AND LINESFigure 221. Accessory Items Cab Heater Ducts and Lines.Figure 221. Accessory Items Cab Heater Ducts and Lines. - ContinuedACCESSORY ITEMS VEHICULAR HEATER 416 830 03 00, DIRECT CURRENT MOTOR 000 835 61 02, AND VEHICULAR RADIATOR 001 835 05 01Figure 222. Accessory Items Vehicular Heater, Direct Current Motor, and Vehicular Radiator.Figure 222. Accessory Items Vehicular Heater, Direct Current Motor, and Vehicular Radiator. - ContinuedFigure 222. Accessory Items Vehicular Heater, Direct Current Motor, and Vehicular Radiator. - ContinuedDATA PLATES AND INSTRUCTION HOLDERS CAB INTERIOR DATA PLATESFigure 223. Data Plates and Instruction Holders Cab Interior Data Plates.Figure 223. Data Plates and Instruction Holders Cab Interior Data Plates. - ContinuedFigure 223. Data Plates and Instruction Holders Cab Interior Data Plates. - ContinuedDATA PLATES AND INSTRUCTION HOLDERS ENGINE, LOADER, AND IMPACT WRENCH DATA PLATESFigure 224. Data Plates and Instruction Holders Engine, Loader, and Impact Wrench Data Plates.Figure 224. Data Plates and Instruction Holders Engine, Loader, and Impact Wrench Data Plates. - ContinuedDATA PLATES AND INSTRUCTION HOLDERS CAB EXTERIOR, OIL COOLER, AND BACKHOE TRAVEL LOCK DATA PLATESFigure 225. Data Plates and Instruction Holders Cab Exterior, Oil Cooler, and Backhoe Travel Lock Data Plates.Figure 225. Data Plates and Instruction Holders Cab Exterior, Oil Cooler, and Backhoe Travel Lock Data Plates. - ContinuedDATA PLATES AND INSTRUCTION HOLDERS CRANE DATA PLATESFigure 226. Data Plates and Instruction Holders Crane Data Plates.Figure 226. Data Plates and Instruction Holders Crane Data Plates. - ContinuedFigure 226. Data Plates and Instruction Holders Crane Data Plates. - ContinuedDATA PLATES AND INSTRUCTION HOLDERS FORKLIFT DATA PLATESFigure 227. Data Plates and Instruction Holders Forklift Data Plates.Figure 227. Data Plates and Instruction Holders Forklift Data Plates. - ContinuedDATA PLATES AND INSTRUCTION HOLDERS BACKHOE DATA PLATESFigure 228. Data Plates and Instruction Holders Backhoe Data Plates.Figure 228. Data Plates and Instruction Holders Backhoe Data Plates. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC LIFT COMPONENTS, HYDRAULIC PUMP FRONT HYDRAULIC PUMPFigure 229. Hydraulic Lift Components, Hydraulic Pump Front Hydraulic Pump.Figure 229. Hydraulic Lift Components, Hydraulic Pump Front Hydraulic Pump. - ContinuedFigure 229. Hydraulic Lift Components, Hydraulic Pump Front Hydraulic Pump. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC PUMP REAR HYDRAULIC PUMPFigure 230. Hydraulic Pump Rear Hydraulic Pump.Figure 230. Hydraulic Pump Rear Hydraulic Pump. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC PUMP HYDRAULIC SUSPENSION LOCKOUT MOTOR AND PUMPFigure 231. Hydraulic Pump Hydraulic Suspension Lockout Motor and Pump.Figure 231. Hydraulic Pump Hydraulic Suspension Lockout Motor and Pump. - ContinuedFigure 231. Hydraulic Pump Hydraulic Suspension Lockout Motor and Pump. - ContinuedFigure 231. Hydraulic Pump Hydraulic Suspension Lockout Motor and Pump. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC PUMP CRANE HYDRAULIC MOTORFigure 232. Hydraulic Pump Crane Hydraulic Motor.Figure 232. Hydraulic Pump Crane Hydraulic Motor. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE FRONT LOADER/FORKLIFT CONTROL VALVEFigure 233. Hydraulic Control Valve Front Loader/Forklift Control Valve.Figure 233. Hydraulic Control Valve Front Loader/Forklift Control Valve. - ContinuedFigure 233. Hydraulic Control Valve Front Loader/Forklift Control Valve. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE SOLENOID-OPERATED BOOM SECTION VALVEFigure 234. Hydraulic Control Valve Solenoid-Operated Boom Section Vave.Figure 234. Hydraulic Control Valve Solenoid-Operated Boom Section Vave. - ContinuedFigure 234. Hydraulic Control Valve Solenoid-Operated Boom Section Vave. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE BOOM CONTROL SECTION VALVEFigure 235. Hydraulic Control Valve Boom Control Section Valve.Figure 235. Hydraulic Control Valve Boom Control Section Valve. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE LOW BODY SECTION VALVEFigure 236. Hydraulic Control Valve Low Body Section Valve.Figure 236. Hydraulic Control Valve Low Body Section Valve. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE SOLENOID-OPERATED HAND TOOL SECTION VALVEFigure 237. Hydraulic Control Valve Solenoid-Operated Hand Tool Section Valve.Figure 237. Hydraulic Control Valve Solenoid-Operated Hand Tool Section Valve. - ContinuedFigure 237. Hydraulic Control Valve Solenoid-Operated Hand Tool Section Valve. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE FRONT LOADER/FORKLIFT RELIEF VALVE, LINES, AND FITTINGSFigure 238. Hydraulic Control Valve Front Loader/Forklift Relief Valve, Lines, and Fittings.Figure 238. Hydraulic Control Valve Front Loader/Forklift Relief Valve, Lines, and Fittings. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE TILT AND LATCH CONTROL VALVEFigure 239. Hydraulic Control Valve Tilt and Latch Control Valve.Figure 239. Hydraulic Control Valve Tilt and Latch Control Valve. - ContinuedFigure 239. Hydraulic Control Valve Tilt and Latch Control Valve. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE TILT AND LATCH CONTROL VALVEFigure 240. Hydraulic Control Valve Tilt and Latch Control Valve.Figure 240. Hydraulic Control Valve Tilt and Latch Control Valve. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE CONTROL VALVE MOUNTING PLATEFigure 241. Hydraulic Control Valve Control Valve Mounting Plate.Figure 241. Hydraulic Control Valve Control Valve Mounting Plate. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE BACKHOE CONTROL VALVEFigure 242. Hydraulic Control Valve Backhoe Control Valve.Figure 242. Hydraulic Control Valve Backhoe Control Valve. - ContinuedFigure 242. Hydraulic Control Valve Backhoe Control Valve. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE BOOM SECTION VALVEFigure 243. Hydraulic Control Valve Boom Section Valve.Figure 243. Hydraulic Control Valve Boom Section Valve. - ContinuedFigure 243. Hydraulic Control Valve Boom Section Valve. - ContinuedFigure 243. Hydraulic Control Valve Boom Section Valve. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE DIPPER AND BUCKET SECTION VALVESFigure 244. Hydraulic Control Valve Dipper and Bucket Section Valves.Figure 244. Hydraulic Control Valve Dipper and Bucket Section Valves. - ContinuedFigure 244. Hydraulic Control Valve Dipper and Bucket Section Valves. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE SWING SECTION VALVEFigure 245. Hydraulic Control Valve Swing Section Valve.Figure 245. Hydraulic Control Valve Swing Section Valve. - ContinuedFigure 245. Hydraulic Control Valve Swing Section Valve. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE BACKHOE STABILIZER CONTROL VALVE ASSEMBLYFigure 246. Hydraulic Control Valve Backhoe Stabilizer Control Valve Assembly.Figure 246. Hydraulic Control Valve Backhoe Stabilizer Control Valve Assembly. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE BACKHOE SWING CYLINDER RELIEF VALVEFigure 247. Hydraulic Control Valve Backhoe Swing Cylinder Relief Valve.Figure 247. Hydraulic Control Valve Backhoe Swing Cylinder Relief Valve. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE CRANE VALVE BANKFigure 248. Hydraulic Control Valve Crane Valve Bank.Figure 248. Hydraulic Control Valve Crane Valve Bank. - ContinuedFigure 248. Hydraulic Control Valve Crane Valve Bank. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE FORKLIFT VALVEFigure 249. Hydraulic Control Valve Forklift Valve.Figure 249. Hydraulic Control Valve Forklift Valve. - ContinuedFigure 249. Hydraulic Control Valve Forklift Valve. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE CRANE LOCK HOLDING VALVEFigure 250. Hydraulic Control Valve Crane Lock Holding Valve.Figure 250. Hydraulic Control Valve Crane Lock Holding Valve. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE CRANE 25 GPM COUNTERBALANCE HOLDING VALVEFigure 251. Hydraulic Control Valve Crane 25 GPM Counterbalance Holding Valve.Figure 251. Hydraulic Control Valve Crane 25 GPM Counterbalance Holding Valve. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE CRANE 10 GPM COUNTERBALANCE HOLDING VALVEFigure 252. Hydraulic Control Valve Crane 10 GPM Counterbalance Holding Valve.Figure 252. Hydraulic Control Valve Crane 10 GPM Counterbalance Holding Valve. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE CRANE MANUAL RELIEF VALVEFigure 253. Hydraulic Control Valve Crane Manual Relief Valve.Figure 253. Hydraulic Control Valve Crane Manual Relief Valve. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CONTROL LEVERS AND LINKAGE FRONT LOADER/FORKLIFT HYDRAULIC VALVE MOUNTINGFigure 254. Hydraulic Control Levers and Linkage Front Loader/Forklift Hydraulic Valve Mounting.Figure 254. Hydraulic Control Levers and Linkage Front Loader/Forklift Hydraulic Valve Mounting. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CONTROL LEVERS AND LINKAGE BACKHOE CONTROLS AND LINKAGEFigure 255. Hydraulic Control Levers and Linkage Backhoe Controls and Linkage.Figure 255. Hydraulic Control Levers and Linkage Backhoe Controls and Linkage. - ContinuedFigure 255. Hydraulic Control Levers and Linkage Backhoe Controls and Linkage. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CONTROL LEVERS AND LINKAGE FRONT LOADER/FORKLIFT CONTROL VALVE LEVER CONTROLS (SEE)Figure 256. Hydraulic Control Levers and Linkage Front Loader/Forklift Control Valve Lever Controls (SEE).Figure 256. Hydraulic Control Levers and Linkage Front Loader/Forklift Control Valve Lever Controls (SEE). - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CONTROL LEVERS AND LINKAGE FRONT LOADER/FORKLIFT CONTROL VALVE LEVER CONTROLS (HMMH)Figure 257. Hydraulic Control Levers and Linkage Front Loader/Forklift Control Valve Lever Controls (HMMH).Figure 257. Hydraulic Control Levers and Linkage Front Loader/Forklift Control Valve Lever Controls (HMMH). - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CONTROL LEVERS AND LINKAGE CRANE CONTROLS AND LINKAGESFigure 258. Hydraulic Control Levers and Linkage Crane Controls and Linkages.Figure 258. Hydraulic Control Levers and Linkage Crane Controls and Linkages. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC MAST COLUMN FORKLIFT MOUNTING BRACKETFigure 259. Hydraulic Mast Column Forklift Mounting Bracket.Figure 259. Hydraulic Mast Column Forklift Mounting Bracket. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC MAST COLUMN FORKLIFT OUTER UPRIGHT MAST ASSEMBLYFigure 260. Hydraulic Mast Column Forklift Outer Upright Mast Assembly.Figure 260. Hydraulic Mast Column Forklift Outer Upright Mast Assembly. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC MAST COLUMN FORKLIFT INNER UPRIGHT MAST ASSEMBLYFigure 261. Hydraulic Mast Column Forklift Inner Upright Mast Assembly.Figure 261. Hydraulic Mast Column Forklift Inner Upright Mast Assembly. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC MAST COLUMN FORKLIFT RAIL UPRIGHT MAST ASSEMBLYFigure 262. Hydraulic Mast Column Forklift Rail Upright Mast Assembly.Figure 262. Hydraulic Mast Column Forklift Rail Upright Mast Assembly. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC MAST COLUMN FORKLIFT CARRIAGE ASSEMBLYFigure 263. Hydraulic Mast Column Forklift Carriage Assembly.Figure 263. Hydraulic Mast Column Forklift Carriage Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 263. Hydraulic Mast Column Forklift Carriage Assembly. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC MAST COLUMN FORKLIFT CROSSHEAD ASSEMBLYFigure 264. Hydraulic Mast Column Forklift Crosshead Assembly.Figure 264. Hydraulic Mast Column Forklift Crosshead Assembly. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC MAST COLUMN FORKLIFT CARRIAGE CHAINSFigure 265. Hydraulic Mast Column Forklift Carriage Chains.Figure 265. Hydraulic Mast Column Forklift Carriage Chains. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC MAST COLUMN FORKLIFT TRAVEL LOCKFigure 266. Hydraulic Mast Column Forklift Travel Lock.Figure 266. Hydraulic Mast Column Forklift Travel Lock. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC MAST COLUMN FORKLIFT FRONT OUTRIGGERSFigure 267. Hydraulic Mast Column Forklift Front Outriggers.Figure 267. Hydraulic Mast Column Forklift Front Outriggers. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS HYDRAULIC QUICK DISCONNECT COUPLING (FEMALE)Figure 268. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Hydraulic Quick Disconnect Coupling (Female).Figure 268. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Hydraulic Quick Disconnect Coupling (Female). - ContinuedRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS HYDRAULIC QUICK DISCONNECT COUPLING (MALE)Figure 269. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Hydraulic Quick Disconnect Coupling (Male).Figure 269. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Hydraulic Quick Disconnect Coupling (Male). - Continued'ARMY TM 9-2420-224-24P' by LOGSA - Page 325 of 908Figure 270. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Hose Reeving Group.Figure 270. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Hose Reeving Group. - ContinuedFigure 270. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Hose Reeving Group. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS FRONT LOADER HYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGSFigure 271. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Front Loader Hydraulic Lines and Fittings.Figure 271. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Front Loader Hydraulic Lines and Fittings. - ContinuedFigure 271. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Front Loader Hydraulic Lines and Fittings. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS FRONT LOADER HYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS (LEFT BOOM CYLINDER)Figure 272. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Front Loader Hydraulic Lines and Fittings (Left Boom Cylinder).Figure 272. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Front Loader Hydraulic Lines and Fittings (Left Boom Cylinder). - ContinuedHYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS FRONT LOADER HYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS (RIGHT BOOM CYLINDER)Figure 273. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Front Loader Hydraulic Lines and Fittings (Right Boom Cylinder).Figure 273. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Front Loader Hydraulic Lines and Fittings (Right Boom Cylinder). - ContinuedHYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS FRONT LOADER HYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS (LEFT ROLLBACK CYLINDER)Figure 274. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Front Loader Hydraulic Lines and Fittings (Left Rollback Cylinder).Figure 274. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Front Loader Hydraulic Lines and Fittings (Left Rollback Cylinder). - ContinuedHYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS FORKLIFT HYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS (UPRIGHT MAST ASSEMBLY)Figure 275. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Forklift Hydraulic Lines and Fittings (Upright Mast Assembly).Figure 275. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Forklift Hydraulic Lines and Fittings (Upright Mast Assembly). - ContinueHYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS FRONT LOADER HYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS (FORKLIFT CONTROL VALVE)Figure 276. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Front Loader Hydraulic Lines and Fittings (Forklift Control Valve).Figure 276. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Front Loader Hydraulic Lines and Fittings (Forklift Control Valve). - ContinuedFigure 276. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Front Loader Hydraulic Lines and Fittings (Forklift Control Valve). - ContinuedHYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS FORKLIFT HYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGSFigure 277. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Forklift Hydraulic Lines and Fittings.Figure 277. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Forklift Hydraulic Lines and Fittings. - ContinuedFigure 277. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Forklift Hydraulic Lines and Fittings. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS FRONT HYDRAULIC PUMP LINES AND FITTINGSFigure 278. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Front Hydraulic Pump Lines and Fittings.Figure 278. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Front Hydraulic Pump Lines and Fittings. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS REAR HYDRAULIC PUMP LINES AND FITTINGSFigure 279. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Rear Hydraulic Pump Lines and Fittings.Figure 279. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Rear Hydraulic Pump Lines and Fittings. - ContinuedFigure 279. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Rear Hydraulic Pump Lines and Fittings. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS FRONT HYDRAULIC SYSTEM LINES AND FITTINGSFigure 280. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Front Hydraulic System Lines and Fittings.Figure 280. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Front Hydraulic System Lines and Fittings. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS REAR HYDRAULIC SYSTEM LINES AND FITTINGSFigure 281. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Rear Hydraulic System Lines and Fittings.Figure 281. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Rear Hydraulic System Lines and Fittings. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS BACKHOE/CRANE TILT AND LATCH CYLINDERS HYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGSFigure 282. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Backhoe/Crane Tilt and Latch Cylinders Hydraulic Lines and Fittings.Figure 282. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Backhoe/Crane Tilt and Latch Cylinders Hydraulic Lines and Fittings. - ContinuedFigure 282. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Backhoe/Crane Tilt and Latch Cylinders Hydraulic Lines and Fittings. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS BACKHOE STABILIZER CYLINDER HYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS Figure 283. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Backhoe Stabilizer Cylinder Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Tube To Boss Elbows and Tube Straight Adapter.Figure 283. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Backhoe Stabilizer Cylinder Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Tube To Boss Elbows and Tube Straight Adapter. - ContinuedFigure 283. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Backhoe Stabilizer Cylinder Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Tube To Boss Elbows and Tube Straight Adapter. - ContinuedFigure 283. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Backhoe Stabilizer Cylinder Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Tube To Boss Elbows and Tube Straight Adapter. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS BACKHOE SWING CYLINDER HYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGSFigure 284. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Backhoe Swing Cylinder Hydraulic Lines and Fittings.Figure 284. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Backhoe Swing Cylinder Hydraulic Lines and Fittings. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS BACKHOE BOOM CYLINDER HYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGSFigure 285. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Backhoe Boom Cylinder Hydraulic Lines and Fittings.Figure 285. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Backhoe Boom Cylinder Hydraulic Lines and Fittings. - ContinuedFigure 285. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Backhoe Boom Cylinder Hydraulic Lines and Fittings. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS BACKHOE DIPPER CYLINDER HYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGSFigure 286. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Backhoe Dipper Cylinder Hydraulic Lines and Fittings.Figure 286. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Backhoe Dipper Cylinder Hydraulic Lines and Fittings. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS BACKHOE BUCKET CYLINDER HYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGSFigure 287. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Backhoe Bucket Cylinder Hydraulic Lines and Fittings.Figure 287. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Backhoe Bucket Cylinder Hydraulic Lines and Fittings. - ContinuedFigure 287. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Backhoe Bucket Cylinder Hydraulic Lines and Fittings. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS CRANE SUPPLY AND RETURN LINES AND FITTINGSFigure 288. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Crane Supply and Return Lines and Fittings.Figure 288. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Crane Supply and Return Lines and Fittings. - ContinuedFigure 288. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Crane Supply and Return Lines and Fittings. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS CRANE TURNTABLE MOTOR HYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGSFigure 289. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Crane Turntable Motor Hydraulic Lines and Fittings.Figure 289. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Crane Turntable Motor Hydraulic Lines and Fittings. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS CRANE EXTERNAL END EXTENSION CYLINDER HYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGSFigure 290. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Crane External End Extension Cylinder Hydraulic Lines and Fittings.Figure 290. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Crane External End Extension Cylinder Hydraulic Lines and Fittings. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS CRANE INNER BOOM LIFT CYLINDER HYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGSFigure 291. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Crane Inner Boom Lift Cylinder Hydraulic Lines and Fittings.Figure 291. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Crane Inner Boom Lift Cylinder Hydraulic Lines and Fittings. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS CRANE MAST LOCKING CYLINDER HYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGSFigure 292. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Crane Mast Locking Cylinder Hydraulic Lines and Fittings.Figure 292. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Crane Mast Locking Cylinder Hydraulic Lines and Fittings. - ContinuedFigure 292. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Crane Mast Locking Cylinder Hydraulic Lines and Fittings. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS CRANE OUTER BOOM CYLINDER HYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGSFigure 293. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Crane Outer Boom Cylinder Hydraulic Lines and Fittings.Figure 293. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Crane Outer Boom Cylinder Hydraulic Lines and Fittings. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS CRANE HORIZONTAL OUTRIGGER CYLINDER HYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGSFigure 294. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Crane Horizontal Outrigger Cylinder Hydraulic Lines and Fittings.Figure 294. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Crane Horizontal Outrigger Cylinder Hydraulic Lines and Fittings. - ContinuedFigure 294. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Crane Horizontal Outrigger Cylinder Hydraulic Lines and Fittings. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS CRANE VERTICAL OUTRIGGER CYLINDER HYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGSFigure 295. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Crane Vertical Outrigger Cylinder Hydraulic Lines and Fittings.Figure 295. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Crane Vertical Outrigger Cylinder Hydraulic Lines and Fittings. - ConrtinuedHYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS HYDRAULIC SUSPENSION LOCKOUT LINES AND FITTINGS FLUID FILTER 000 805 11 69Figure 296. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Hydraulic Suspension Lockout Lines and Fittings Fluid Filter.Figure 296. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Hydraulic Suspension Lockout Lines and Fittings Fluid Filter. - ContinuedFigure 296. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Hydraulic Suspension Lockout Lines and Fittings Fluid Filter. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS HYDRAULIC SUSPENSION LOCKOUT LINES AND FITTINGSFigure 297. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Hydraulic Suspension Lockout Lines and Fittings.Figure 297. Hydraulic Lines and Fittings Hydraulic Suspension Lockout Lines and Fittings. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CYLINDERS LOADER BUCKET ROLLBACK CYLINDER ASSEMBLYFigure 298. Hydraulic Cylinders Loader Bucket Rollback Cylinder Assembly.Figure 298. Hydraulic Cylinders Loader Bucket Rollback Cylinder Assembly. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CYLINDERS LOADER BOOM CYLINDER ASSEMBLY 627-01041-30MFigure 299. Hydraulic Cylinders Loader Boom Cylinder Assembly.Figure 299. Hydraulic Cylinders Loader Boom Cylinder Assembly. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CYLINDERS BACKHOE BUCKET CYLINDER ASSEMBLYFigure 300. Hydraulic Cylinders Backhoe Bucket Cylinder Assembly.Figure 300. Hydraulic Cylinders Backhoe Bucket Cylinder Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 300. Hydraulic Cylinders Backhoe Bucket Cylinder Assembly. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CYLINDERS BACKHOE BOOM CYLINDER ASSEMBLYFigure 301. Hydraulic Cylinders Backhoe Boom Cylinder Assembly.Figure 301. Hydraulic Cylinders Backhoe Boom Cylinder Assembly. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CYLINDERS BACKHOE SWING CYLINDERFigure 302. Hydraulic Cylinders Backhoe Swing Cylinder Assembly.Figure 302. Hydraulic Cylinders Backhoe Swing Cylinder Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 302. Hydraulic Cylinders Backhoe Swing Cylinder Assembly. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CYLINDERS BACKHOE DIPPER CYLINDER ASSEMBLYFigure 303. Hydraulic Cylinders Backhoe Dipper Cylinder Assembly.Figure 303. Hydraulic Cylinders Backhoe Dipper Cylinder Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 303. Hydraulic Cylinders Backhoe Dipper Cylinder Assembly. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CYLINDERS BACKHOE STABILIZER CYLINDER ASSEMBLYFigure 304. Hydraulic Cylinders Backhoe Stabilizer Cylinder Assembly.Figure 304. Hydraulic Cylinders Backhoe Stabilizer Cylinder Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 304. Hydraulic Cylinders Backhoe Stabilizer Cylinder Assembly. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CYLINDERS BACKHOE/CRANE LATCH CYLINDERSFigure 305. Hydraulic Cylinders Backhoe/Crane Latch Cylinders.Figure 305. Hydraulic Cylinders Backhoe/Crane Latch Cylinders. - ContinuedFigure 305. Hydraulic Cylinders Backhoe/Crane Latch Cylinders. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CYLINDERS BACKHOE/CRANE TILT CYLINDER (J.I.CASE)Figure 306. Hydraulic Cylinders Backhoe/Crane Tilt Cylinder (J.I. Case).Figure 306. Hydraulic Cylinders Backhoe/Crane Tilt Cylinder (J.I. Case). - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CYLINDERS BACKHOE/CRANE TILT CYLINDER (AEROQUIP)Figure 307. Hydraulic Cylinders Backhoe/Crane Tilt Cylinder (Aeroquip).Figure 307. Hydraulic Cylinders Backhoe/Crane Tilt Cylinder (Aeroquip). - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CYLINDERS FORKLIFT TILT CYLINDER ASSEMBLYFigure 308. Hydraulic Cylinders Forklift Tilt Cylinder Assembly.Figure 308. Hydraulic Cylinders Forklift Tilt Cylinder Assembly. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CYLINDERS FORKLIFT ROTATER CYLINDER ASSEMBLYFigure 309. Hydraulic Cylinders Forklift Rotater Cylinder Assembly.Figure 309. Hydraulic Cylinders Forklift Rotater Cylinder Assembly. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CYLINDERS FORKLIFT LIFT CYLINDER ASSEMBLYFigure 310. Hydraulic Cylinders Forklift Lift Cylinder Assembly.Figure 310. Hydraulic Cylinders Forklift Lift Cylinder Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 310. Hydraulic Cylinders Forklift Lift Cylinder Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 310. Hydraulic Cylinders Forklift Lift Cylinder Assembly. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CYLINDERS CRANE EXTERNAL END EXTENSION CYLINDER ASSEMBLYFigure 311. Hydraulic Cylinders Crane External End Extension Cylinder Assembly.Figure 311. Hydraulic Cylinders Crane External End Extension Cylinder Assembly. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CYLINDERS CRANE INNER BOOM LIFT CYLINDER ASSEMBLYFigure 312. Hydraulic Cylinders Crane Inner Boom Lift Cylinder Assembly.Figure 312. Hydraulic Cylinders Crane Inner Boom Lift Cylinder Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 312. Hydraulic Cylinders Crane Inner Boom Lift Cylinder Assembly. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CYLINDERS CRANE MAST LOCKING CYLINDER ASSEMBLYFigure 313. Hydraulic Cylinders Crane Mast Locking Cylinder Assembly.Figure 313. Hydraulic Cylinders Crane Mast Locking Cylinder Assembly. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CYLINDERS CRANE OUTER BOOM CYLINDER ASSEMBLYFigure 314. Hydraulic Cylinders Crane Outer Boom Cylinder Assembly.Figure 314. Hydraulic Cylinders Crane Outer Boom Cylinder Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 314. Hydraulic Cylinders Crane Outer Boom Cylinder Assembly. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CYLINDERS CRANE HORIZONTAL OUTRIGGER CYLINDER ASSEMBLYFigure 315. Hydraulic Cylinders Crane Horizontal Outrigger Cylinder Assembly.Figure 315. Hydraulic Cylinders Crane Horizontal Outrigger Cylinder Assembly. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CYLINDERS CRANE VERTICAL OUTRIGGER CYLINDER ASSEMBLYFigure 316. Hydraulic Cylinders Crane Vertical Outrigger Cylinder Assembly.Figure 316. Hydraulic Cylinders Crane Vertical Outrigger Cylinder Assembly. - ContinuedLIQUID TANKS OR RESERVOIRS HYDRAULIC TANK ASSEMBLY (21.0 GALLON)Figure 317. Liquid Tanks or Reservoirs Hydraulic Tank Assembly (21.0 Gallon).Figure 317. Liquid Tanks or Reservoirs Hydraulic Tank Assembly (21.0 Gallon). - ContinuedLIQUID TANKS OR RESERVOIRS HYDRAULIC TANK ASSEMBLY (11.0 GALLON)Figure 318. Liquid Tanks or Reservoirs Hydraulic Tank Assembly (11.0 Gallon).Figure 318. Liquid Tanks or Reservoirs Hydraulic Tank Assembly (11.0 Gallon). - ContinuedLIQUID TANKS OR RESERVOIRS HYDRAULIC OIL COOLERFigure 319. Liquid Tanks or Reservoirs Hydraulic Oil Cooler.Figure 319. Liquid Tanks or Reservoirs Hydraulic Oil Cooler. - ContinuedFigure 319. Liquid Tanks or Reservoirs Hydraulic Oil Cooler. - ContinuedGAGES (NON-ELECTRICAL) WEIGHING AND MEASURING DEVICES, INSTRUMENTS (SPEED AND DISTANCE) SPEEDOMETER AND STE/ICE-R TACHOMETER DRIVE SHAFTSFigure 320. Gages (Non-Electrical) Weighing and Measuring Devices, Instruments (Speed and Distance) Speedometer and STE/lCE-R Tachometer Drive Shafts.Figure 320. Gages (Non-Electrical) Weighing and Measuring Devices, Instruments (Speed and Distance) Speedometer and STE/lCE-R Tachometer Drive Shafts. - ContinuedGAUGES, MOUNTINGS, LINES, AND FITTINGS INCLINOMETERFigure 321. Gages, Mountings, Lines, and Fittings Inclinometer.HOURMETER HOURMETERFigure 322. Hourmeter Hourmeter. - ContinuedMACHINE TOOLS AND RELATED EQUIPMENT, DRILLS, POWER WRENCHES (OTHER THAN PNEUMATIC) HAMMER DRILL HD45110M (FIGURE 1)Figure 323. Machine Tools and Related Equipment, Drills, Power Wrenches (Other than Pneumatic) Hammer Drill (Figure 1).Figure 323. Machine Tools and Related Equipment, Drills, Power Wrenches (Other than Pneumatic) Hammer Drill (Figure 1). - ContinuedFigure 323. Machine Tools and Related Equipment, Drills, Power Wrenches (Other than Pneumatic) Hammer Drill (Figure 1). - ContinuedFigure 323. Machine Tools and Related Equipment, Drills, Power Wrenches (Other than Pneumatic) Hammer Drill (Figure 1). - ContinuedMACHINE TOOLS AND RELATED EQUIPMENT, DRILLS, POWER WRENCHES (OTHER THAN PNEUMATIC) HAMMER DRILL HD45110M (FIGURE 2)Figure 324. Machine Tools and Related Equipment, Drills, Power Wrenches (Other than Pneumatic) Hammer Drill (Figure 2).Figure 324. Machine Tools and Related Equipment, Drills, Power Wrenches (Other than Pneumatic) Hammer Drill (Figure 2). - ContinuedFigure 324. Machine Tools and Related Equipment, Drills, Power Wrenches (Other than Pneumatic) Hammer Drill (Figure 2). - ContinuedDRILLS, POWER WRENCHES (OTHER THAN PNEUMATIC) Figure 325. Drills, Power Wrenches (Other than Pneumatic) Pneumatic Impact Wrench, Impact Mechanism, Case Hammer, Hydraulic Parts Kit, Spur Gear, and Hose/Coupler Assembly.Figure 325. Drills, Power Wrenches (Other than Pneumatic) Pneumatic Impact Wrench, Impact Mechanism, Case Hammer, Hydraulic Parts Kit, Spur Gear, and Hose/Coupler Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 325. Drills, Power Wrenches (Other than Pneumatic) Pneumatic Impact Wrench, Impact Mechanism, Case Hammer, Hydraulic Parts Kit, Spur Gear, and Hose/Coupler Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 325. Drills, Power Wrenches (Other than Pneumatic) Pneumatic Impact Wrench, Impact Mechanism, Case Hammer, Hydraulic Parts Kit, Spur Gear, and Hose/Coupler Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 325. Drills, Power Wrenches (Other than Pneumatic) Pneumatic Impact Wrench, Impact Mechanism, Case Hammer, Hydraulic Parts Kit, Spur Gear, and Hose/Coupler Assembly. - ContinuedPOWER HAMMERS (OTHER THAN PNEUMATIC) PAVING BREAKER BR67130M MANUAL CONTROL HANDLE 06185, HYDRAULIC CYLINDER 04060, PNEUMATIC TANK VALVE AN6287-1 AND BREAKER FOOT ASSEMBLY 04598Figure 326. Power Hammers (Other than Pneumatic) Paving Breaker, Manual Control Handle, Hydraulic Cylinder, Pneumatic Tank Valve, and Breaker Foot Assembly.Figure 326. Power Hammers (Other than Pneumatic) Paving Breaker, Manual Control Handle, Hydraulic Cylinder, Pneumatic Tank Valve, and Breaker Foot Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 326. Power Hammers (Other than Pneumatic) Paving Breaker, Manual Control Handle, Hydraulic Cylinder, Pneumatic Tank Valve, and Breaker Foot Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 326. Power Hammers (Other than Pneumatic) Paving Breaker, Manual Control Handle, Hydraulic Cylinder, Pneumatic Tank Valve, and Breaker Foot Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 326. Power Hammers (Other than Pneumatic) Paving Breaker, Manual Control Handle, Hydraulic Cylinder, Pneumatic Tank Valve, and Breaker Foot Assembly. - ContinuedPOWER SAWS (OTHER THAN PNEUMATIC) CHAIN SAW CS06120M, AND HANDLE ASSEMBLY 07693Figure 327. Power Saws (Other than Pneumatic) Chain Saw and Handle Assembly.Figure 327. Power Saws (Other than Pneumatic) Chain Saw and Handle Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 327. Power Saws (Other than Pneumatic) Chain Saw and Handle Assembly. - ContinuedPOWER SAWS (OTHER THAN PNEUMATIC) CHAIN SAW AND MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY HOUSING 07652Figure 328. Power Saws (Other than Pneumatic) Chain Saw and Mechanical Assembly Housing.Figure 328. Power Saws (Other than Pneumatic) Chain Saw and Mechanical Assembly Housing. - ContinuedFigure 328. Power Saws (Other than Pneumatic) Chain Saw and Mechanical Assembly Housing. - ContinuedFigure 328. Power Saws (Other than Pneumatic) Chain Saw and Mechanical Assembly Housing. - ContinuedCRANE, SHOVELS, AND EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENT COMPONENTS BACKHOE BOOM AND CRANE BOOM D132948Figure 329. Crane, Shovels, and Earth Moving Equipment Components Backhoe Boom and Crane Boom.Figure 329. Crane, Shovels, and Earth Moving Equipment Components Backhoe Boom and Crane Boom. - ContinuedFigure 329. Crane, Shovels, and Earth Moving Equipment Components Backhoe Boom and Crane Boom. - ContinuedBACKHOE ATTACHMENTS Figure 330. Backhoe Attachments Rig Hoe Bucket Connecting Link, Rig Connecting Link, and Backhoe Dipper Assembly.Figure 330. Backhoe Attachments Rig Hoe Bucket Connecting Link, Rig Connecting Link, and Backhoe Dipper Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 330. Backhoe Attachments Rig Hoe Bucket Connecting Link, Rig Connecting Link, and Backhoe Dipper Assembly. - ContinuedBACKHOE ATTACHMENTS SCOOP TYPE L SCOOP BUCKET 104327, AND SCOOP TYPE L RIPPER BUCKET 020-185Figure 331. Backhoe Attachments Scoop Type L Scoop Bucket and Scoop Type L Ripper Bucket.Figure 331. Backhoe Attachments Scoop Type L Scoop Bucket and Scoop Type L Ripper Bucket. - ContinuedBACKHOE ATTACHMENTS CONTROL ASSEMBLY 4327-68IN-30024-1-1, BACK LATCH ASSEMBLY 419 550 73 75, BACK LATCH ASSEMBLY 419 550 77 40Figure 332. Backhoe Attachments Control Assembly and Back Latch Assemblies.Figure 332. Backhoe Attachments Control Assembly and Back Latch Assemblies. - ContinuedFigure 332. Backhoe Attachments Control Assembly and Back Latch Assemblies. - ContinuedBACKHOE ATTACHMENTS BACKHOE BOOM LATCHFigure 333. Backhoe Attachments Backhoe Boom Latch.Figure 333. Backhoe Attachments Backhoe Boom Latch. - ContinuedFigure 333. Backhoe Attachments Backhoe Boom Latch. - ContinuedBACKHOE ATTACHMENTS SWING TOWER ASSEMBLY D136868Figure 334. Backhoe Attachments Swing Tower Assembly.Figure 334. Backhoe Attachments Swing Tower Assembly. - ContinuedBACKHOE ATTACHMENTS STABILIZER LEG ASSEMBLY D94215 AND SWING BEAM D94401Figure 335. Backhoe Attachments Stabilizer Leg Assembly and Swing Beam.Figure 335. Backhoe Attachments Stabilizer Leg Assembly and Swing Beam. - ContinuedFigure 335. Backhoe Attachments Stabilizer Leg Assembly and Swing Beam. - ContinuedHOISTS MAST ASSEMBLY 41706064, CRANE BOOM 52706059, AND CRANE MAST BASE 52706039Figure 336. Hoists Mast Assembly, Crane Boom, and Crane Mast Base.Figure 336. Hoists Mast Assembly, Crane Boom, and Crane Mast Base. - ContinuedFigure 336. Hoists Mast Assembly, Crane Boom, and Crane Mast Base. - ContinuedHOISTS INNER BOOM ASSEMBLY 41707454, AND CRANE BOOM 52707453Figure 337. Hoists Inner Boom Assembly and Crane Boom.Figure 337. Hoists Inner Boom Assembly and Crane Boom. - ContinuedHOISTS BOOM ASSEMBLY 41707476 AND CRANE BOOM 52707470Figure 338. Hoists Boom Assembly and Crane Boom.Figure 338. Hoists Boom Assembly and Crane Boom. - ContinuedHOISTS BOOM EXTENSION ASSEMBLY 41707473Figure 339. Hoists Boom Extension Assembly.Figure 339. Hoists Boom Extension Assembly. - ContinuedHOISTS BASE/OUTRIGGER ASSEMBLY 41706065Figure 340. Hoists Base/Outrigger Assembly.Figure 340. Hoists Base/Outrigger Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 340. Hoists Base/Outrigger Assembly. - ContinuedHOISTS BASE/OUTRIGGER ASSEMBLY 41706065 AND ROTATION LOCK LEVER LINKAGEFigure 341. Hoists Base/Outrigger Assembly and Rotation Lock Lever Linkage.Figure 341. Hoists Base/Outrigger Assembly and Rotation Lock Lever Linkage. - ContinuedHOISTS BASE/OUTRIGGER ASSEMBLY 41706065, AND OUTRIGGER BASE ASSEMBLY 52706035Figure 342. Hoists Base/Outrigger Assembly and Outrigger Base Assembly.Figure 342. Hoists Base/Outrigger Assembly and Outrigger Base Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 342. Hoists Base/Outrigger Assembly and Outrigger Base Assembly. - ContinuedHOISTS CRANE TRAVEL LOCKFigure 343. Hoists Crane Travel Lock.Figure 343. Hoists Crane Travel Lock. - ContinuedLOADER BUCKET ASSEMBLY OR FORKLIFT LOADER FRAME AND TYPE L SCOOP BUCKET 677-01739-40Figure 344. Loader Bucket Assembly or Forklift Loader Frame and Type L Scoop Bucket.Figure 344. Loader Bucket Assembly or Forklift Loader Frame and Type L Scoop Bucket. - ContinuedFigure 344. Loader Bucket Assembly or Forklift Loader Frame and Type L Scoop Bucket. - ContinuedFigure 344. Loader Bucket Assembly or Forklift Loader Frame and Type L Scoop Bucket. - ContinuedTOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENT, SPECIAL TOOLS UNIT SPECIAL TOOLS, GENERAL MECHANIC'S TOOL KIT 419 000 74 58, AND CAB TILTING DEVICE 419 580 05 51 00Figure 345. Tools and Test Equipment, Special Tools Unit Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit, and Cab Tilting Device.Figure 345. Tools and Test Equipment, Special Tools Unit Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit, and Cab Tilting Device. - ContinuedFigure 345. Tools and Test Equipment, Special Tools Unit Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit, and Cab Tilting Device. - ContinuedSPECIAL TOOLS Figure 346. Special Tools Unit Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit, and Vehicle Support Stand.Figure 346. Special Tools Unit Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit, and Vehicle Support Stand. - ContinuedSPECIAL TOOLS DIRECT SUPPORT SPECIAL TOOLS, GENERAL MECHANIC'S TOOL KIT 419 000 75 58 (FIGURE 1)Figure 347. Special Tools - Direct Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 1).Figure 347. Special Tools - Direct Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 1). - ContinuedSPECIAL TOOLS DIRECT SUPPORT SPECIAL TOOLS, GENERAL MECHANIC'S TOOL KIT 419 000 75 58 (FIGURE 2)Figure 348. Special Tools Direct Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 2).Figure 348. Special Tools Direct Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 2). - ContinuedSPECIAL TOOLS DIRECT SUPPORT SPECIAL TOOLS, GENERAL MECHANIC'S TOOL KIT 419 000 75 58 (FIGURE 3)Figure 349. Special Tools Direct Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 3).Figure 349. Special Tools Direct Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 3). - ContinuedSPECIAL TOOLS DIRECT SUPPORT SPECIAL TOOLS, GENERAL MECHANIC'S TOOL KIT 419 000 75 58 (FIGURE 4)Figure 350. Special Tools Direct Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 4).Figure 350. Special Tools Direct Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 4). - ContinuedSPECIAL TOOLS DIRECT SUPPORT SPECIAL TOOLS, GENERAL MECHANIC'S TOOL KIT 419 000 75 58, AND UNIVERSAL PULLER KIT 11275Figure 351. Special Tools Direct Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit and Universal Puller Kit.Figure 351. Special Tools Direct Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit and Universal Puller Kit. - ContinuedSPECIAL TOOLS GENERAL SUPPORT SPECIAL TOOLS, GENERAL MECHANIC'S TOOL KIT 419 000 76 58 (FIGURE 1)Figure 352. Special Tools General Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 1).Figure 352. Special Tools General Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 1). - ContinuedSPECIAL TOOLS GENERAL SUPPORT SPECIAL TOOLS, GENERAL MECHANIC'S TOOL KIT 419 000 76 58 (FIGURE 2)Figure 353. Special Tools General Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 2).Figure 353. Special Tools General Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 2). - ContinuedSPECIAL TOOLS GENERAL SUPPORT SPECIAL TOOLS, GENERAL MECHANIC'S TOOL KIT 417 000 76 58 (FIGURE 3)Figure 354. Special Tools General Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 3).Figure 354. Special Tools General Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 3). - ContinuedSPECIAL TOOLS GENERAL SUPPORT SPECIAL TOOLS, GENERAL MECHANIC'S TOOL KIT 419 000 76 58 (FIGURE 4)Figure 355. Special Tools General Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 4).Figure 355. Special Tools General Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 4). - ContinuedSPECIAL TOOLS GENERAL SUPPORT SPECIAL TOOLS, GENERAL MECHANIC'S TOOL KIT 419 000 76 58 (FIGURE 5)Figure 356. Special Tools General Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 5).Figure 356. Special Tools General Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 5). - ContinuedSPECIAL TOOLS UNIT SPECIAL TOOLS, GENERAL MECHANIC'S TOOL KIT 419 000 81 58, COOLING SYSTEM DETECTOR 001 589 83 21 00, AND CAB TILTING DEVICE 419 580 05 51 00Figure 357. Special Tools Unit Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit, Cooling System Detector, and Cab Tilting Device.Figure 357. Special Tools Unit Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit, Cooling System Detector, and Cab Tilting Device. - ContinuedSPECIAL TOOLS UNIT SPECIAL TOOLS, GENERAL MECHANIC'S TOOL KIT 419 00 81 58, AND VEHICLE SUPPORT STAND 419 580 70 18Figure 358. Special Tools Unit Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit, and Vehicle Support Stand.Figure 358. Special Tools Unit Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit, and Vehicle Support Stand. - ContinuedSPECIAL TOOLS UNIT SPECIAL TOOLS, GENERAL MECHANIC'S TOOL KIT 419 000 82 58, AND VEHICLE SUPPORT STAND 419 580 70 18Figure 359. Special Tools Unit Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit, and Vehicle Support Stand.Figure 359. Special Tools Unit Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit, and Vehicle Support Stand. - ContinuedSPECIAL TOOLS DIRECT SUPPORT SPECIAL TOOLS, GENERAL MECHANIC'S TOOL KIT 419 000 83 58 (FIGURE 1)Figure 360. Special Tools Direct Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 1).Figure 360. Special Tools Direct Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 1). - ContinuedSPECIAL TOOLS DIRECT SUPPORT SPECIAL TOOLS, GENERAL MECHANIC'S TOOL KIT 419 000 83 58 (FIGURE 2)Figure 361. Special Tools Direct Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 2).Figure 361. Special Tools Direct Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 2). - ContinuedSPECIAL TOOLS DIRECT SUPPORT SPECIAL TOOLS, GENERAL MECHANIC'S TOOL KIT 419 000 83 58 (FIGURE 3)Figure 362. Special Tools Direct Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 3).Figure 362. Special Tools Direct Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 3). - ContinuedSPECIAL TOOLS DIRECT SUPPORT SPECIAL TOOLS, GENERAL MECHANIC'S TOOL KIT 419 000 84 58Figure 363. Special Tools Direct Support Special TooIs, General Mechanic's Tool Kit.Figure 363. Special Tools Direct Support Special TooIs, General Mechanic's Tool Kit. - ContinuedSPECIAL TOOLS DIRECT SUPPORT SPECIAL TOOLS, GENERAL MECHANIC'S TOOL KIT 419 000 84 58, AND UNIVERSAL PULLER KIT 11275Figure 364. Special Tools Direct Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit, and Universal Puller Kit.Figure 364. Special Tools Direct Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit, and Universal Puller Kit. - ContinuedSPECIAL TOOLS DIRECT SUPPORT SPECIAL TOOLS, GENERAL MECHANIC'S TOOL KIT 419 000 85 58, SPANNER WRENCH 3Y140510, AND SPANNER WRENCH 678602Figure 365. Special Tools Direct Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit, and Spanner Wrench. - ContinuedFigure 365. Special Tools Direct Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit, and Spanner Wrench. - ContinuedSPECIAL TOOLS DIRECT SUPPORT SPECIAL TOOLS, GENERAL MECHANIC'S TOOL KIT 419 000 85 58, BUSHING INSERTER AND REMOVER 92091200Figure 366. Special Tools Direct Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit, Bushing Inserter and Remover.Figure 366. Special Tools Direct Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit, Bushing Inserter and Remover. - ContinuedFigure 366. Special Tools Direct Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit, Bushing Inserter and Remover. - ContinuedSPECIAL TOOLS GENERAL SUPPORT SPECIAL TOOLS, GENERAL MECHANIC'S TOOL KIT 419 000 86 58 (FIGURE 1)Figure 367. Special Tools General Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 1).Figure 367. Special Tools General Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 1). - ContinuedSPECIAL TOOLS GENERAL SUPPORT SPECIAL TOOLS, GENERAL MECHANIC'S TOOL KIT 419 000 86 58 (FIGURE 2)Figure 368. Special Tools General Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 2).Figure 368. Special Tools General Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 2). - ContinuedSPECIAL TOOLS GENERAL SUPPORT SPECIAL TOOLS, GENERAL MECHANIC'S TOOL KIT 419 000 86 58 (FIGURE 3)Figure 369. Special Tools General Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 3).Figure 369. Special Tools General Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 3). - ContinuedSPECIAL TOOLS GENERAL SUPPORT SPECIAL TOOLS, GENERAL MECHANIC'S TOOL KIT 419 000 86 58 (FIGURE 4)Figure 370. Special Tools General Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 4).Figure 370. Special Tools General Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 4). - ContinuedSPECIAL TOOLS GENERAL SUPPORT SPECIAL TOOLS, GENERAL MECHANIC'S TOOL KIT 419 000 86 58 (FIGURE 5)Figure 371. Special Tools General Support Special Tools, General Mechanic's Tool Kit (Figure 5).Figure 371. 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