TM 5-3805-280-24-1
System Information
4. If voltage is normal, the malfunction is between
voltage is found. Malfunction is between last two
point of measurement and circuit ground. Continue
points of measurement.
measuring voltage toward circuit ground until zero
CED,TX13067,2 1918DEC972/3
between fuse and switch. Inspect wire harness for
Grounded Circuit:
burned areas or insulation rubbed off a wire.
4. If continuity is not measured, measure continuity to
1. A grounded circuit results in no component
frame ground, between switch terminal (D) and
component terminal (G).
2. Troubleshoot a grounded circuit by turning the
between switch and component. Inspect wire
switch OFF, and checking continuity to frame
harness for burned areas or insulation rubbed off a
ground between the fuse circuit side (B) and switch
CED,TX13067,2 1918DEC973/3