TM 5-3805-280-24-1
GROUP 25 - Trouble Shooting
B. Do The Simplest Things First
Most troubles are simple and easily corrected. For
example, most complaints are "low capacity" which may
Trouble shooting for a portable air compressor is
be caused by too low an engine speed or compressor
an organized study by a particular problem or
"over-heats" which may be caused by low oil level.
series of problems and a planned method of
Always check the easiest and most obvious things first;
procedure for investigation and correction. The
following this simple rule will save time and trouble.
trouble shooting chart that follows includes some
of the problems that an operator may encounter
during the operation of a portable compressor.
The chart does not attempt to list all of the troubles
that may occur, not does it attempt to give all of the
answers for correction of the problems. The chart
does give those problems that are most apt to
Note: For trouble shooting electrical problems, refer to
occur. To use the trouble shooting chart:
the Wiring Diagram Schematic found in Section 9
Parts List.
A. Find the "complaint" depicted as a bold
C. Double Check Before Disassembly
B. Follow down that column to find the
potential cause or causes. The causes are
The source of most compressor troubles can be traced
listed in order (1,2,3 etc.) to suggest an order
not to one component alone, but to the relationship of
to follow in trouble shooting.
one component with another. Too often, a compressor
can be partially disassembled in search of the cause of a
certain trouble and all evidence is destroyed during
disassembly. Check again to be sure an easy solution to
the problem has not be overlooked.
D. Find And Correct Basic Cause
After a mechanical failure has been corrected, be sure to
locate and correct the cause of the trouble so the same
failure will not be repeated. A complaint of "premature
breakdown" may be corrected by repairing any improper
wiring connections, but something caused the defective
A. Think Before Acting
wiring. The cause may be excessive vibration.
Study the problem thoroughly and ask yourself
these questions:
(1) What were the warning signals that preceded
the trouble?
(2) Has a similar trouble occurred before?
(3) What previous maintenance work has been
(4) If the compressor will still operate, is it safe to
continue operating it to make further checks?