TM 5-3805-280-24-1
7.1If air cylinder puts the fan closer plate in
closed position during drilling, the dust
collector does not work.
valve that controls air cylinder movements.
If diaphragm is broken, change to a new one.
If hole is clogged, blow clean.
cycle as described in 5.2 above.
Check and clean the adjustable relief valves.
NOTE! After refitting adjustable relief valves you
must adjust them to achieve correct movements of
air cylinder.
How to adjust
Open relief valve by turning 2.5 turns from closed.
Check and clean the bleed filter.
If air cylinder still is not working, change to a
new one.
Check fan closer plate. Ensure that ass'y is
secure and sealed against bottom plate. This
is very important for perfect filter cleaning and full
suction capacity.
If dust escapes through fan top, one or more
IMMEDIATELY and check which filters are
broken. Exchange broken filters for new
IMPORTANT! When opening filter housing from
bottom section, follow instructions given below.
Also check the clean air chamber and clean away
any dust which otherwise can fall down inside the
clean filters. If necessary, clean filter housing and
bottom section.
8.1Check if filters- are clogged. If impossible to
clean, change to new filters.
8.2Check wear plate inside dust collector inlet.
If plate is worn out, high-speed dust will blow directly
into the filters and destroy them in a very short time.