TM 5-3805-281-24-1
2. Remove plug (A) from tube between turbocharger and
intake manifold and install hose and pressure gauge.
3. Warm engine to normal operating temperature.
4. Set engine speed at normal fast idle.
5. Propel machine in rabbit mode at approximately half
speed and slowly actuate arm in until power boost
mode actuates.
6. Load engine for a pull down of approximately 1940
IMPORTANT: Pressure gauge accuracy is very critical
for this test. DO NOT make adjustments
to injection pump fuel delivery on the
machine to raise or lower boost
NOTE: New engines will not develop specified boost
pressure. Check after 50 hours of operation.
If using a John Deere Boost Pressure Kit the
boost pressure gauge used in the test will lock the
reading at the highest boost pressure encountered
and will not drop off if boost pressure drops in the
course of actuating the arm in function.
7. Watch engine speed as you slowly actuate arm in
function over relief to load engine to pull it down below
rated engine speed. Repeat this step at least six times.
Record highest pressure reading at rated engine
speed. The gauge will show a pressure increase as
engine nears rated engine speed and then drop off.
Turbocharger Boost--Specification
Pressure ................................................... 172--193 kPa (1.72--1.93 bar)
(25--28 psi) using No. 2 fuel and
Continued on next page