TM 5-3805-281-24-1
Theory of Operation
pump regulator increases, the pump displacement
Control Valve Spool Actuated--Actuating a function
(flow) increases. (See Hydraulic Pump Regulator
shifts the control valve spool routing some pump flow
Operation in this group.)
to the function and decreasing oil flow through the
control valve neutral passage (A) and pump control
In addition the pilot oil control signal to pump
valve (I). For combine functions, both the front and
regulators is senses by the pump control pressure
rear pump control valves operate to control their
sensors. The sensors send an electrical signal to the
respective pump flow. As flow through the pump
engine and pump controller for the propel speed
control valve decreases, the spring (C) pushes the flow
change function. (See Propel Motor Speed Change
sense spool (B) to the left connecting the passages for
Circuit Operation in this group.)
pilot oil to flow from solenoid valve manifold (F) to the
pump regulator (E). As the pilot oil control signal to
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