C 1, SB 740-97-38
Section I
cation of defects and defectives is the listing of possible
This bulletin provides a storage
defects of the unit of product, or defectives, classified
serviceability standard for use in measuring the materiel
according to their seriousness.
readiness status of stocks in the custody of supply and
(a) Critical.
A critical defect is one that
storage activities.
2. Scope. This bulletin applies to all Department of the
judgement and experience indicate could result in
hazardous or unsafe conditions for individuals using or
Army CONUS and overseas depots engaged in the
maintaining the product, or for major end items of units
receipt, storage and issue of TROSCOM materiel.
3. Definitions. a. Definitions for the majority of
of a product, a defect that could prevent performance of
their tactical functions. A critical defective is a unit of
specialized terms used herein can be found in MIL-STD-
product that contains one or more defects.
109, Quality Assurance Terms and Definitions.
b. Definitions for other specialized terms are as
(b) Major. A major defect is a defect, other than
critical, that could result in failure, or materially reduce
the usability of the unit of product for its intended
(1) Storage serviceability standard. A written
purpose, or seriously affect the appearance when
procedure providing storage methods and standards and
appearance is a major characteristic of the item. A
prescribing the necessary requirements for the
major defective is a unit of product that contains one or
surveillance of materiel in storage.
(2) Surveillance. A system whereby supplies
more major defects.
(c) Minor. A minor defect is one that does not
and equipment are subjected to, but not limited to cyclic,
materially reduce the usability of the unit of product for
scheduled and special inspection and continuous actions
its intended purpose, or is a departure from established
to assure that material is maintained in a ready for issue
standards having no significant bearing on the effective
use or operation of the unit, or affects the appearance in
(3) Visual inspection. An inspection by visual
a minor degree when appearance is a significant
means to observe the item and/or its packaging and
characteristic. A minor defective is a unit of product that
packing to detect deficiencies.
Visual inspection
contains one or more minor defects.
normally does not require disassembly or testing of the
4. General. It is the Army's objective to attain and
(4) Technical inspection.
maintain a constant materiel readiness status of
An inspection by
supplies and equipment in depot stocks. The scope of
visual means including disassembly, measuring
this objective is of such magnitude that only general
(gaging), performance testing and/or laboratory testing.
guidelines are provided by Chapter 3, Section VIII of TM
(5) Stage I corrosion. Discoloration, staining.
743-200-1 for the quality evaluation of materiel in the
No direct visual evidence of pitting, etching or other
custody of supply and storage activities. This standard
surface damage.
supplements TM 743-200-1 by providing a systematic
(6) Stage II corrosion. Loose rust, black or white
procedure for storage surveillance inspection of those
corrosion accompanied by minor etching and pitting of
surface. No scale or tight rust.
(7) Stage III corrosion. Rust, black or white
storage practices and other characteristics acceptable.
corrosion accompanied singly or in combination with
It also establishes the basis for identifying material
etching, pitting or more extensive surface damage.
requiring segregation, remedial care and preservation or
Loose or granular condition.
reclassification action. Applicable requirements of the
(8) Stage IV corrosion. Rust, black or white
standard may be used for performing receipt and
corrosion progressed to the point, where fit, wear,
preshipment quality control inspections.
function or life of the item has been affected. Powdered
5. Comments. Comments and suggestions pertaining
or scaly condition, with pits or irregular areas of material
to this bulletin should be submitted to the Commander,
removed from the surface of the item.
U.S. Army Troop Support Command, ATTN: AMSTS-
(9) Defects and Defectives. A defect is any
SP , 4300 Goodfellow Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63120.
nonconformance of the unit of product with specified
requirements A defective is a unit of product which
contains one or more defects. The classifi-