Table 1
Table 2.
SR 740-1
Covered and open storage
some reduction in the usability or function of the
Handbook H53
item can be expected prior to the next scheduled
assurance guide for
inspection For example, nicks, dents or scratches
sampling inspection
that do not break the coating or paint film are
SC 3820-97-CL-E01
Pneumatic tool and com-
considered trivial deficiencies
pressor outfit 250
d Defect Codes For the purpose of this bulle-
CFM, truck mounted
tin specific item defects are expressed as coded
Federal stock number
data. A two position numeric code is assigned to
3820-641-7779, line
each set component to relate the evidence or signs
item number P12003
SC 3820-97-CL-E03
defect codes is provided in appendix II.
for placement of explo-
sives Federal stock
12. Other Instructions. a Rejected
Lots. Material
number 3820-275-2620,
inspected and determined to be deficient will be re-
line item number
classified to identify the degree of serviceability,
S03088 Federal stock
number for map use
for issue and use or to identify actions underway
to change the status of the material (AR 725-50)
SC 3820-97-CL-E06
Pneumatic tool and com-
pressor outfit 210
b. Repackaging of Samples Inspected. Restore
CFM, trailer mounted
packaging of samples inspected and accepted to
Federal stock number
the level of the lot from which samples were
3820-526-8986, line
item number P11729
SC 3820-97-CL-E09
Pneumatic tool and com-
13. References. A
list of
publications applicable
pressor outfit, 250
to this bulletin is provided below.
CFM, trailer mounted
Federal stock number
Cataloging and supply
AR 708-1
3820-950-8584; line
management data
item number P11866
Requisitioning, receipt
AR 725-50
and issue system
SC 3820-97-CL-E10
for placement of explo-
Sampling procedures and
sives Federal stock
tables for inspection by
number 3820-430-3094,
line item number
Marking for shipment
S03225; Federal stock
and storage
number for map use
Storage and materials
TM 743-200-1