TM 5-2420-230-24-1
5. Remove small scratches on the inside of the
tube (1) with emery cloth of medium grit. Use the
NOTE: Refer to illustration on page 19.
emery cloth with a rotary motion.
Clean the outside of the cylinder. If the hoses were
6. Inspect the gland (3) for rust and clean and
removed with the cylinder, remove the hoses from
remove rust as required.
the cylinder.
7. Inspect the gland end of the tube (1) for sharp
1. Fasten the tube (1) in a vise or other holding
edges that will cut the gland O-ring (12) and
equipment. Be careful to prevent damage to the
remove as required.
tube (1).
8. Inspect the piston (4) for damage and wear. If the
2. Loosen and remove the lock screw (2) from the
piston (4) is damaged or worn, a new piston (4)
gland (3) and tube (1).
must be used.
3. Use the gland wrench shown on page 4 to
loosen and remove the gland (3) from the tube
1. Install the bushing (14) in the gland (3).
4. Pull the piston rod (6) straight out of the tube (1)
2. Install the buffer seal (15) in the gland (3). The
to prevent damage to the tube (1).
side of the buffer seal (15) with the lip must be
5. Fasten the piston rod eye (5) in a vise and put a
toward the small end of the gland (3).
support below the piston rod (6) near the piston
3. Install the rod seal (16) in the gland (3). The rod
(4). Use a shop cloth between the support and
seal (16) is to be installed so that the lips of the
the piston rod (6) to prevent damage to the
rod seal (16) are toward the small end of the
piston rod (6).
gland (3). The rod seal (16) can be difficult to
6. Loosen and remove the bolt (7) and washer (8)
install. Use the tool shown on page 4.
that holds the piston (4). Use the torque
4. Install a new wiper (17) in the gland (3). The lips
multiplier shown on page 4 for bolts that have a
of the wiper (17) must be toward the outside of
the gland (3).
7. Remove the piston (4) from the piston rod (6).
5. Install a new backup ring (13) in the groove on
8. Remove the gland (3) from the piston rod (6).
the outside of the gland (3). If both sides of the
backup ring (13) are not flat, the side that is not
9. Remove the seal (9), backup ring (10), and wear
flat must be toward the small end of the gland
ring (11) from the piston (4).
10. Remove the O-ring (12), backup ring (13), wiper
(17), rod seal (16), buffer seal (15), and bushing
(14) from the gland (3).
1. Clean the piston (4), gland (3), piston rod (6),
tube (1), washer (8), and bolt (7) in cleaning
2. Discard the parts that were removed from the
piston (4) and the gland (3).
3. Illuminate the inside of the tube (1). Inspect the
inside of the tube (1) for deep grooves and other
damage. If there is damage to the tube (1), a
new tube (1) must be used.
4. Check to be sure that the piston rod (6) is
straight. If the piston rod (6) is not straight, install
a new piston rod (6).
Bur 6-41750
Issued 2-01
Printed in U.S.A.