TM 5-2420-230-24-1
3. Install the snap ring on the pivot pin.
4. Connect the bucket cylinder hoses at the
1. Start the engine and run the engine at 1000 rpm
connections inside the upper end of the boom.
(r/min). Put the bucket in position so that the
bucket teeth are just off the floor and below the
5. Remove the block from under the bucket
pivot pin for the bucket. Stop the engine.
2. Remove the snap ring and the flat washer(s)
6. Put the bucket into position. Start the engine and
from one end of the pivot pin for the bucket.
run the engine at 1000 rpm (r/min). Move the
backhoe as necessary to engage the bucket with
3. Remove the pivot pin for the bucket.
the coupler. Then move the bucket as necessary
4. Start the engine and run the engine at 1000 rpm
so that the pivot pin can be installed. Stop the
(r/min). Move the backhoe as necessary to
disengage the coupler from the bucket. Move the
7. Install the pivot pin for the bucket.
bucket out of the way.
8. Install the flat washer(s) and the snap ring to
5. Completely extend the dipper and raise or lower
fasten the pivot pin.
the boom so that the end of the dipper is
approximately three feet (one meter) above the
9. Use molydisulfide grease to lubricate all pivot
6. Retract the bucket cylinder. Stop the engine.
10. Run the engine at 1000 rpm (r/min). Slowly
operate the bucket, dipper, dipper extension, and
7. Put a block under the bucket cylinder to hold the
boom cylinders through four complete cycles to
bucket cylinder when the pivot pin is removed
remove any air from the circuits.
from the bottom ends of the guide links.
8. Disconnect the bucket cylinder hoses at the
connections inside the upper end of the boom.
9. Remove the snap ring, the washer(s), and the
spacer(s) from one end of the pivot pin for the
bottom ends of the guide links. Drive the pivot pin
out of the guide links and the dipper extension.
Record the number and locations of any washers
or spacers on the pivot pin so that these parts
can be returned to the correct locations during
10. Install acceptable lifting equipment to hold the
dipper extension when the dipper extension is
removed from the dipper.
11. Insert a bar through the hole for the pivot pin for
the bucket. Use the bar to pull the dipper
extension from the dipper.
1. Put the dipper extension into position on the
dipper. Push the dipper extension onto the dipper
until the rod eye of the extension cylinder is
aligned with the hole for the pivot pin for the
bottom ends of the guide links.
2. Put the guide links into position and install the
pivot pin through the guide links, the dipper
extension, and the rod eye, Make sure that the
washer(s) and spacer(s) which were removed
are installed in the correct locations.
Bur 6-42130
Issued 3-01
Printed in U.S.A.