TM 5-2420-230-24-2
This manual provides instructions for troubleshooting and repairing this engine in the chassis. Component and
assembly rebuild procedures are provided in the engine shop manual. Refer to Section i - Introduction for instructions
on how to use this manual.
Read and follow all safety instructions. Refer to the WARNING in the General Safety Instructions in Section i
- Introduction.
The manual is organized to guide a service technician through the logical steps of identifying and correcting problems
related to the engine. This manual does not cover vehicle or equipment problems. Consult the vehicle or equipment
A series of specific service manuals (for example: Shop, Specifications, and Alternative Repair) are available and can
be ordered by filling out and mailing the Literature Order Form located in Section L - Service Literature.
The repair procedures used in this manual are recommended by Cummins Engine Co., Inc. Some service procedures
require the use of special service tools. Use the correct tools as described.
Cummins Engine Company, Inc. encourages the user of this manual to report errors, omissions, and recommendations
for improvement. Please use the postage paid, pre-addressed Literature Survey Form in the back of this manual for
communicating your comments.
The specifications and rebuild information in this manual are based on the information in effect at the time of printing.
Cummins Engine Company, Inc. reserves the right to make any changes at any time without obligation. If differences
are found between your engine and the information in this manual, contact a Cummins Authorized Repair Location
or call 1-800-DIESELS (1-800-343-7357) toll free in the U.S. and Canada.
The latest technology and the highest quality components are used to manufacture Cummins engines. When re-
placement parts are needed, we recommend using only genuine Cummins or ReCon exchange parts. These parts
can be identified by the following trademarks:
g-04 (tr-frwd)