Literature SuTve5-2420-230-24-2
r M y Form
Bulletin No. 3666017-01
by Dept.
We are always open to any suggestions or recommendations that will aid in improving our
manuals. Use this postage paid survey form to evaluate this manual. Please check the
appropriate response and use the space provided below to list any additional comments:
Is the needed information easy to locate in the manual?
Is the information easy to read?
Is the information easy to understand?
Does the information sufficiently cover the subject?
Are subjects in the Index specific enough to locate in the manual?
Are the important points sufficiently emphasized?
Are the illustrations easy to understand?
Does the text support the operation being illustrated?
Do you use the Table of Contents?
Do you use the Index?
What feature(s) of the manual do you like?
What feature(s) of the manual don't you like?
What additional information should the manual include?
Please comment on any response(s) marked ″No″ in this survey.
Other comments that you feel would help improve the manual?
Please fold and staple