TM 5-2420-230-24-2
B3.9 and B5.9 Series Engines
Expansion Plug (017-015)
Section 17 - Miscellaneous - Group 17
Page 17-5
Expansion Plug (017-015)
Remove (017-015-002)
NOTE: Care should be taken not to drive the expansion
plug out and into the water jacket, especially the plug on
the end of the cylinder block.
Remove the expansion plugs from the coolant passages as
Service Tip: If it becomes apparent the expansion plug is
not going to pivot in the bore, use a center punch to catch
the edge of the expansion plug and pry against the cylinder
block to pivot the expansion plug out.
Remove the expansion plugs from the oil passages.
Clean (017-015-006)
Spray Cleaner, Part No. 3375433
Thoroughly clean the expansion plug hole using Scotch-
BriteTM, or equivalent. Use spray cleaner 3375433, or equiva-
lent, to finish cleaning the bore.
Inspect the cup plug bores for damage.