TM 5-2420-232-10
High Temperature Reading - Continued
If the temperature is allowed to rise any higher, at 255F (124C), along with the above indications, the external buzzer will
sound and a warning light on the front console warning light panel will illuminate. The buzzers can be canceled by pressing
the OK button (Figure 52, Item 5) on the EMS.
If the temperature reaches 260F (127C), along with the above indications, the bar graph will flash. Once this condition is
reached, the buzzers can no longer be canceled by pressing the OK button (Figure 52, Item 5). When the oil temperature drops
below 248F (120C), the warning light (Figure 52, Item 31) will be automatically extinguished.
Low Temperature Reading
When the gearbox oil temperature falls below 158F (70C), the EMS will illuminate the warning light (Figure 52, Item 31)
and the gearbox is inhibited. If the temperature continues to fall below 158F (70C), the first green segment of the bar graph
will start to flash and the message "TRANS COLD" will be displayed.
The audible warning and message can be canceled by pressing the OK button (Figure 52, Item 5) on the EMS.
When the transmission oil temperature rises above 176F (80C), the warning light (Figure 52, Item 31) will automatically be
Cold Start-Up
When starting from cold in cold ambient temperatures and with the transmission oil temperature below 158F (70C), the
EMS will display the message "TRANS COLD."
The message will be displayed until the oil temperature reaches 158F (70C), at which point it will be extinguished. The dis-
play can be extinguished at anytime by pressing the OK button (Figure 52, Item 5) on the EMS.
Figure 52. Transmission Oil Temperature Sensor/Warning
Change 1