TM 5-2420-232-10
Use 1st gear when driving through mud. Go up and down gradients as straight as possible and avoid sharp turns. If the
machine becomes stuck, and you are unable to safely extricate it with the bucket or backhoe, get the machine towed out. In
cold weather operation, park on high, dry ground, on planks or brush. Chock the wheels if necessary. This will keep the tires
from freezing to the ground. Clean the tires, wheels, and hydraulic cylinders of mud before it freezes.
You can drive over heavily crusted snow. If the machine breaks through the crust, select first gear and drive slowly to get back
on top. Go up and down gradients as straight as possible and avoid sharp turns. When the snow is soft and fine, drive cau-
Drive carefully and steadily on ice. If the machine starts to skid, let off the accelerator. Move out slowly. For cold weather
operation, review the procedures in FM 31-71 and FM 9-207.
Sand and Dust
Sand and dust are abrasive and can cause wear on many parts of the machine.
1. Drive carefully and steadily in sand. Where possible, pull away smoothly in second gear to avoid wheel spin. When trav-
eling in soft sand, do not make sharp turns.
Monitor the air filter restriction warning light. Check the air filter more frequently and clean the dust discharge valve reg-
ularly. Notify Field Maintenance if the filter element requires replacing.
Check the cooling system radiator frequently for foreign matter blocking the radiator. Check the hydraulic cylinders fre-
quently. Do not allow dust, dirt, or sand to collect on these surfaces.
Parking and Non-Use. Ensure the operator s compartment doors and windows are tightly closed. Protect the engine com-
partment from windblown sand and dust. When the machine is not in use, cover external components to protect exposed
cylinder rods from windblown sand and dust.
Rainy and Humid
Protect the machine from moisture. Keep the operator s compartment as clean and dry as possible. Whenever possible, park
the machine on a raised or elevated area with good drainage. Keep the fuel tank filled; this will cut down on condensation in
the tank. Protect the fuel filler opening when refilling in rainy conditions.
Saltwater Areas
Saltwater is extremely corrosive. Keep the machine as clean as possible. Wash down with clean fresh water after use. Inspect
exposed cylinder rams and wiring connections closely for signs of corrosion. Report any signs of corrosion to Field Mainte-
High Altitudes
Closely monitor coolant level. Check all engine instrumentation and warning indicators. Report any unusually high readings to
Field Maintenance. For high altitude operations, review the procedures in FM 90-6.
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