TM 5-3805-280-10
As soon as the operator observes water going into
the dust collector, shut it down. If shutdown was
immediate and operator is sure that no water has
entered the dust collector, drilling may be resumed
until dust smoke is observed coming from the
hole. Then the dust collector can be started again.
of doubt, stop drilling and retract the drifter (do not
stay in the water pocket). Wait 5 to 10 minutes
with the dust collector running and air flushing so
as to dry the filter cartridges. Then do 10 cycles of
stopping, flushing and starting the dust collector
again to clean the dry mud from the filter cartridge.
long as no dust smoke is coming from the hole.
Mud inside the hood and plastic hose has to be
removed manually.
Refer to Changing a Rod.
Move carrier to park site.
Position CPA vertical. mast base on ground.
Position excavator safety switch to lock.
-- Idle down engine to manufacturer