TM 5-3805-280-24-2
44. Install tube assembly (40).
22. Remove tube assembly (33).
45. Install expander (36) and elbow (37).
23. Remove elbow (32), expander (31) and O-ring
46. Install tube assembly (38).
24. Remove tube assembly (35).
47. Install O-ring (81), expander (80), O-ring (47), and
tee branch (34).
25. Remove tee branch (34), O-ring (47), expander
(80), and O-ring (81).
48. Install tube assembly (35).
26. Remove tube assembly (38).
49. Install O-ring (53), expander (31) and elbow (32).
27. Remove elbow (37) and expander (36).
50. Install tube assembly (33).
28. Remove tube assembly (40).
51. Install plug (75), ball valve (74), nipple (73), fittings
(72), washers (70 and 71), and nut (69).
29. Remove tee branch (39) and expander (82).
52. Install connector (68), fitting (67), nut (66).
30. Remove elbow (41).
53. Install hose assembly (56).
31. Remove tube assembly (42).
54. Install elbow (21).
32. Remove elbow (43) and O-ring (53).
55. Install hose assembly (55).
33. Remove tube assembly (44).
56. Install gasket (50), discharge elbow (51), washers
34. Remove oil manifold (28).
(64), and cap screws (22).
35. Remove connector (45).
57. Install shutdown switch (30).
36. Repair or replace parts as necessary.
58. Install discharge hose assembly (29).
37. Install connector (45).
59. Install O-ring (63), flange halves (61) and cap
screws (62).
38. Install oil manifold (28).
60. Install O-ring (20), flange halves (46), lock
39. Install tube assembly (44).
washers (58), and cap screws (48).
40. Install O-ring (53) and elbow (43).
61. Install parts (15--17, 60, 78, and 79).
41. Install tube assembly (42).
62. Install bushing (52), tee (11), shutdown switch
(14), and safety valve (10).
42. Install elbow (41).
63. Install O-ring (19) and plug (18).
43. Install expander (82) and tee branch (39).
Continued on next page
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