TM 5-3805-281-24-1
Track System
place fit previously used. A volatile,
IMPORTANT: Replace entire roller assembly if
non-petroleum base solvent or talcum powder
bushing (E) and shaft surfaces are
may be used as a lubricant.
damaged. Bushing (E) is no longer
serviceable because cover (B)
cannot be removed.
10. Install one half of metal face seal into support (H).
4. Inspect bushing (E) and shaft on support (H).
11. Apply a thin coat of oil to the metal faces on each
half of the seal. (See Track Roller, Front Idler and
IMPORTANT: Metal face seals can be reused if
they are not worn or damaged. A
seal must be kept together as a set
because of wear patterns on seal
12. Install the other half of metal face seal on the half
ring face.
already in place in support (H).
5. Remove metal face seal (G) from roller (F) and
13. Install roller (F) over shaft on support (H) being
support (H). Keep seal rings together as a matched
sure to keep cap screws (C) in alignment with
set with faces together to protect lapped surfaces.
holes on shaft.
6. Inspect metal face seal. (See procedure in this
14. Tighten cap screws (C).
Cover Cap Screw--Specification
7. Replace parts as necessary.
Torque....................................................................... 64 Nm (47 lb-ft)
IMPORTANT: O-rings may slip when roller is
15. Fill carrier with approximately 85 mL (2.9 fl oz) of
turning if O-rings and seat surfaces
clean oil through plug hole. (See Track Roller,
are not clean, dry and oil free.
Front Idler, and Carrier Roller Oil in Fuels and
8. Thoroughly clean the O-rings and seat surfaces in
roller, support, and seal bushings using a volatile,
16. Clean threads of plug (A) using cure primer.
non-petroleum base solvent and lint-free tissues.
17. Apply pipe sealant to thread of plug. Install plug.
9. Install O-ring on seal rings.
NOTE: Current carrier roller metal face seals use a
tapered fit. There is no longer the "pop" into