TM 5-3805-281-24-2
Engine Rebuild, Break-In, and Tune-Up
CAUTION: Battery gas can explode. Keep
sparks and flames away from batteries. Use a
flashlight to check battery electrolyte level.
Never check battery charge by placing a metal
Always remove grounded (-) battery clamp first
and replace it last.
Prevent Battery Explosions
1. Clean batteries and cables with damp cloth. If
corrosion is present, remove it and wash terminals with
a solution of ammonia or baking soda in water. Then
flush area with clean water.
2. Coat battery terminals and connectors with petroleum
jelly mixed with baking soda to retard corrosion.
3. Test batteries. If batteries are not near full charge, try
to find out why.
4. On low-maintenance batteries, check level of
electrolyte in each cell of each battery. Level should be
to bottom of filler neck. If water is needed, use clean,
mineral-free water.
If water must be added to batteries more often than
NOTE: Water cannot be added to maintenance-free
5. If batteries appear to be either undercharged or
overcharged, check alternator and charging circuit.
6. Check tension of drive belts. See operator's manual.
7. Check operation of starting motor and gauges.
motors, see Electrical System Repair chapter.