TB 5-2420-230-14
p. Warranty Expiration Date. The date the
d. Contractor. The supplier of equipment who enters
into an agreement directly with the Government to
furnish parts and services.
q. Warranty Period. Time during which the
e. Correction. The elimination of a defect.
warranty is in effect. Normally measured in the
maximum number of years, months, days, miles, or
f. Defect. Any condition or characteristic in any
hours used.
parts furnished by the contractor that does not
r. Warranty Start Date. The date the warranty is
put into effect (government acceptance).
g. Failure. A part, component, or end item that fails
to perform its intended use.
h. Manufacturer's Recall.
a. The following conditions must be met in order for
this warranty to apply. It is the responsibility of the
(1) Safety Recall. An item is recalled to repair or
owner to ensure that the conditions below are
replace a defective part(s) or assembly that
may affect safety.
(1) The local ADI Limited (ADI) representative
(2) Service Recall. An item is recalled to repair or
must carry out a delivery inspection, where this
replace a defective part(s) or assembly that
is required, according to the delivery
does not affect the safe use of this item.
i. Owning Unit. The Army unit authorized to
(2) The product must be operated, serviced, and
operate and maintain the equipment.
maintained strictly in accordance with the
j. Reimbursement. A written provision in this
contained in the following technical manuals:
warranty in which the using/support unit may make
(a) TM 5-2420-230-10
the necessary repairs with prior approval from the
(b) TM 5-2420-230-24-1
(c) TM 5-2420-230-24-2
k. Repair. A maintenance action required to restore
(3) Only original spare parts provisioned or
an item to serviceable condition without affecting
approved for use by ADI will be used in the
the warranty.
maintenance of the product as identified in
TM 5-2420-230-24P.
l. Supporting Repair Facility. The repair activity
(4) Replaced parts must be kept available for
authorized to accomplish repairs at the appropriate
level of maintenance identified in the Maintenance
inspection until the warranty claim is settled.
Allocation Chart (MAC).
(5) All defects under this warranty must be
submitted in writing (electronic or hard copy)
m. Local Warranty Control Office/Officer
using the approved form to an authorized
(WARCO). Serves as the intermediary between the
dealer or service agent of ADI, within the
troops owning the equipment and the local dealer,
period of time specified below. A copy of this
contractor, or manufacturer. All warranty claims
form must also be sent to the TACOM, as
actions will be processed through the WARCO.
n. Warranty. A written agreement between a
b. This bulletin applies only to the Interim High-
contractor and the Government, outlining the rights
Mobility Engineer Excavator (IHMEE),
and obligations of both parties for defective parts.
item under contract number DAAE07-02-C-T015.
o. Warranty Claim. Action started by the equipment
The IHMEE model and serial numbers are located
user for authorized warranty repair or
on the data plate. Except as provided in
been placed in service within 10 days after delivery