TB 5-2420-230-14
(7) Defect/failure discovered or occurring after
to the original purchaser as established by final
warranty expiration date.
hand off acceptance for a 60-day period after
delivery to the original purchaser, ADI warrants to
(8) Use of parts not authorized by ADI.
the government that its IHMEE vehicles are free of
defects in material and workmanship. This warranty
d. Under all circumstances, the liability of ADI for
shall apply only if the vehicle is properly
any damages shall be limited to the purchase price
maintained and used in service which is normal to
of the product.
the particular vehicle. Normal service means
service which does not subject the vehicle to
stresses or impacts greater than those which
normally result from the careful use of the vehicle
a. When the contractor receives written notification
or chassis, and is in conformance with the ADI
requiring repair, they will have the option:
quoted or proposed specification or application. If
the buyer discovers a defect or nonconformity, it
(1) To correct the failures/defects in the field, or;
must notify ADI or its appointed agent in writing
within 10 days after the date of discovery. This
(2) To have the IHMEE or parts returned to the
warranty is not transferable by the first user.
contractor's designated facility or authorized
distributor/dealer for correction.
c. If a defect/failure is caused by or falls within any of
the following categories, it is not considered
b. When the contractor corrects the warranted defect,
warrantable, and a claim should not be initiated:
parts and labor involved shall be paid by the
contractor. The contractor will arrange and pay all
(1) Integral parts, components, attachments, or
transportation costs of the supplies to its facility and
trade accessories not manufactured by ADI,
return to user.
but instead, the applicable warranties, if any, of
the respective manufacturers thereof shall
c. All warranty claims will be processed by ADI
within 15 days of a claim. If the claim is approved
for payment as filed, the transaction will be
(2) Any vehicle, chassis, or component, part,
completed within a total of 20 days. If additional
attachment, or accessory damaged by misuse,
information is needed or partial approval/rejection
neglect, or accident.
of the claim occurs, the filing party will be notified
(3) Any vehicle chassis or component, part,
within 10 days of the claim being received.
attachment, or accessory shall have been
repaired, altered, or assembled in any way by
d. ADI will provide replacement parts for warranty
others than ADI or its appointed agent which,
issues after receipt of written claim notification.
in the sole judgment of ADI, affects the
The delivery time for replacement parts will be
performance, stability, or purpose for which it
dependant upon availability and the location that
was manufactured. ADI assumes no
the replacement part is to be shipped from, as
responsibility for the assembly of its parts or
sub-assembly into finished products unless
performed by ADI or its appointed agent.
(1) Parts that are in-stock, shipped from U.S.
suppliers - 5 days
(4) Tire equipment and other consumable products
or parts which are not defective, but which may
(2) Parts under 55 lb. (25 kg) that are in stock,
wear out and have to be replaced during the
shipped from Australia - 15 days
warranty period including, but not limited to,
(3) Parts not in stock, shipped from U.S. Original
tires, fluids, gaskets, and light bulbs.
Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) - 35 days
Consumable parts are warrantable only when it
can be established that such parts were
(4) Parts over 55 lb. (25 kg) that are in stock,
defective when delivered to the original owner.
shipped from Australia - 55 days
(5) Accidents.
(5) Parts not in stock, shipped from Australia -
95 days
(6) Improper operation, storage, or transport.