TM 5-2420-230-24-1
Table 3-1. Unit Level Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) for IHMEE. -- Continued
Item to be
Checked or
Not Fully Mission
Capable If:
Road Test --
Make sure personnel are clear of wheels
before turning steering wheel. Failure to
comply may result in injury or death to
Starter inoperative or
b. Notice if starter engages smoothly and
turns the engine at normal cranking speed. makes excessive grinding
Engine knocks, rattles, or
c. Listen for unusual engine noise at idle, at
smokes excessively.
Be alert for excessive vibration and the
Transmission shifts
d. Check for response to shifting and for
improperly, does not shift,
smoothness of operation in all speed
or makes excessive noises.
ranges. Be alert for unusual noises or
difficulty shifting in any speed range.
e. Test for response to accelerator feed.
Pedal sticks or binds.
Check for sticking pedal.
Steering binds, grabs,
f. With vehicle speed approximately 5 mph
wanders, or freeplay is
(8 km/h), turn steering wheel left, then
more than 1.5 in. (38 mm)
right, to detect steering backlash, shimmy,
in either direction.
or freeplay of more than 1.5 in. (38 mm) in
either direction. Vehicle should respond
instantly. With vehicle moving on straight,
level terrain, lightly hold steering wheel to
check for pull and wandering.
g. Apply brake pedal with steady force. The Brakes chatter, pull to one
vehicle should slow down and stop without side, are inoperative, or
will not release.
pulling to one side or jerking. Release
brake pedal. The brakes should release
immediately without difficulty.
h. Observe vehicle's response to road shocks. Handling is unstable.
Side sway or continuous bouncing
indicates a malfunction.
Preservice Checks
a. Ensure vehicle has been cleaned and free
of mud, gravel, etc., from underbody,
outside, and crew compartment area.
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