TM 5-2420-230-24-1
16. Remove the self-locking nut and the hardened
washer that hold the pivot pin for the dipper.
1. Start the engine and run the engine at 1000 rpm
NOTE: There may be one or more shims installed
(r/min). Put the bucket in position so that the
between the hardened washer and the boom. If so,
bucket teeth are just off the floor and below the
record the number and the location of the shims so
pivot pin for the bucket. Stop the engine.
that they can be returned to the correct location
2. Remove the snap ring and the flat washer(s)
during installation.
from one end of the pivot pin for the bucket.
17. Drive the pivot pin out of the boom.
3. Remove the pivot pin for the bucket.
18. Remove the dipper.
4. Start the engine and run the engine at 1000 rpm
(r/min). Move the backhoe as necessary to
disengage the coupler from the bucket. Move the
1. Put the dipper in position on the boom.
bucket out of the way.
2. Install the pivot pin for the dipper.
5. Retract the bucket cylinder. Put the boom and
the dipper in an acceptable position for removal
3. If there were shims installed between the
of the dipper.
hardened washer and the boom, install the
shims. The correct thickness of shims will cause
6. Stop the engine. Move the extension control
the ears of the boom to be pulled together 1 to 3
lever, if equipped, and the bucket control lever in
mm (1 /16 to 1/8 inch) when the self-locking nut is
both directions to relieve any pressure in the
4. Install the hardened washer and the self-locking
7. For all machines except the 580M without
nut for the pivot pin. Tighten the self-locking nut
extendable dipper, disconnect the bucket cylinder
to a torque of 678 to 949 Nm (500 to 700
hoses at the connections inside the upper end of
the boom. For 580M machines without
extendable dipper, disconnect the bucket cylinder
5. Fasten acceptable lifting equipment to the dipper
hoses at the bucket cylinder.
cylinder. Move the dipper cylinder as necessary
so that the rod eye is aligned with the hole in the
8. Install caps or plugs on all hoses and tubes.
9. If the machine has an extendable dipper,
6. Install the pivot pin for the dipper cylinder.
disconnect the extension cylinder hoses at the
connections inside the upper end of the boom.
7. Install the flat washer(s) and the snap ring to
fasten the pivot pin for the dipper cylinder.
10. Install caps or plugs on all hoses and tubes.
8. If the machine has an extendable dipper, connect
11. Fasten acceptable lifting equipment to the dipper
the extension cylinder hoses at the connections
cylinder and to the boom or the dipper as
inside the upper end of the boom.
necessary to hold these parts when the pivot pin
is removed from the rod eye of the dipper
9. For all machines except the 580M without
extendable dipper, connect the bucket cylinder
hoses at the connections inside the upper end of
12. Remove the snap ring and the flat washer(s) that
the boom. For 580M machines without
hold the pivot pin for the rod eye of the dipper
extendable dipper, connect the bucket cylinder
hoses at the bucket cylinder.
13. Drive the pivot pin out of the dipper.
10. Put the bucket into position. Start the engine and
14. Lower the dipper cylinder to the boom.
run the engine at 1000 rpm (r/min). Move the
backhoe as necessary to engage the bucket with
15. Adjust the lifting equipment, if necessary, so that
the coupler. Then move the bucket as necessary
the lifting equipment will hold the boom and the
so that the pivot pin can be installed. Stop the
dipper when the pivot pin for the dipper is
11. Install the pivot pin for the bucket.
Bur 6-42130
Issued 3-01
Printed in U.S.A.