TM 5-2420-230-24-2
B3.9 and B5.9 Series Engines
Cold Start Timing Advance System (KSB) Pump Mounted (005-070)
Section 5 - Fuel System - Group 05
Page 5-101
Pump-Mounted KSB
The early pump-mounted KSB is a different design using
two control lines. The two-line version was superseded in
mid-1988 with a one-control-line version, which is the de-
sign used for both production and service at the moment.
There is no remote-mounted hardware available for the
two-control-line KSB, so they can not be remote mounted.
The illustration shows a two-control-line KSB
The illustration shows a one-control-line KSB
Cold Start Timing Advance System (KSB)
Wax Motor-Style
The wax motor-style KSB is used on pre-1991 B Series
automotive engine ratings using the Bosch VE fuel pump.
NOTE: The electrical solenoid-style KSB is used on 1991
model and newer B Series atuomotive engine ratings using
the Bosch VE fuel injection pump. Refer to Procedure
005-046, Cold Start Timing Advance System (KSB) - Elec-
trical Solenoid Style, for additional information.