FIELD MAINTENANCE REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST (RPSTL) TRACK FRAMEFigure 1. Track Frame.Figure 1. Track Frame. - ContinuedFIELD MAINTENANCE REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST (RPSTL) TRACK GUARDFigure 2. Track Guard.Figure 2. Track Guard. - ContinuedTRACK LINK GUIDEFigure 3. Track Link Guide.Figure 3. Track Link Guide. - ContinuedFRONT IDLERFigure 4. Front Idler.Figure 4. Front Idler. - ContinuedADJUSTERFigure 5. Adjuster.Figure 5. Adjuster. - ContinuedUPPER ROLLERFigure 6. Upper Roller.Figure 6. Upper Roller. - ContinuedLOWER ROLLERFigure 7. Lower Roller.Figure 7. Lower Roller. - ContinuedTRACK LINKFigure 8. Track Link.Figure 8. Track Link. - ContinuedCENTER JOINT ATTACHMENTSFigure 9. Center Joint Attachments.Figure 9. Center Joint Attachments. - ContinuedFigure 10. Travel Device Support (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 10. Travel Device Support (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 10. Travel Device Support - ContinuedTRAVEL MOTORFigure 11. Travel Motor.Figure 11. Travel Motor. - ContinuedBRAKE VALVEFigure 12. Brake Valve.Figure 12. Brake Valve. - ContinuedRELIEF VALVEFigure 13. Relief Valve.Figure 13. Relief Valve. - ContinuedPISTON, SERVOFigure 14. Piston, Servo.Figure 14. Piston, Servo. - ContinuedFigure 15. Center Joint (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 15. Center Joint (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 15. Center Joint - ContinuedTRAVEL PIPINGSFigure 16. Travel Pipings.Figure 16. Travel Pipings. - ContinuedTRAVEL MOTOR COVERFigure 17. Travel Motor Cover.Figure 17. Travel Motor Cover. - ContinuedENGINE MOUNTINGFigure 18. Engine Mounting.Figure 18. Engine Mounting. - ContinuedCRANKSHAFT, CRANKSHAFT GEARS AND MAIN BEARINGSFigure 19. Crankshaft, Crankshaft Gears and Main Bearings.Figure 19. Crankshaft, Crankshaft Gears and Main Bearings. - ContinuedTIMING GEAR COVERFigure 20. Timing Gear Cover.Figure 20. Timing Gear Cover. - ContinuedFigure 21. Rocker Arm Shaft, Push Rods and Rocker Arms.Figure 22. Camshaft.Figure 23. Rocker Arm Cover.CONNECTING ROD, BEARINGS AND PISTONFigure 24. Connecting Rod, Bearings and Piston.Figure 24. Connecting Rod, Bearings and Piston. - ContinuedCYLINDER BLOCK AND MAIN BEARING CAPSFigure 25. Cylinder Block and Main Bearing Caps.Figure 25. Cylinder Block and Main Bearing Caps. - ContinuedENGINE SHORT BLOCKFigure 26. Engine Short Block.Figure 26. Engine Short Block. - ContinuedFigure 27. Engine Front Plate and Auxiliary Drive Cover.Figure 28. Engine Oil Filler Inlet Cover.ENGINE OIL FILTER/ADAPTERFigure 29. Engine Oil Filter/Adapter.Figure 29. Engine Oil Filter/Adapter. - ContinuedENGINE OIL DIPSTICKFigure 30. Engine Oil Dipstick.Figure 30. Engine Oil Dipstick. - ContinuedFigure 31. Engine Oil Pump.ENGINE OIL PAN AND OIL LEVEL SENSORFigure 32. Engine Oil Pan and Oil Level Sensor.Figure 32. Engine Oil Pan and Oil Level Sensor. - ContinuedFigure 33. Engine Ventilator Hose.CYLINDER HEAD, HEAD GASKET AND VALVESFigure 34. Cylinder Head, Head Gasket and Valves.Figure 34. Cylinder Head, Head Gasket and Valves. - ContinuedFigure 35. Exhaust Manifold.FUEL INJECTION SYSTEMFigure 36. Fuel Injection System.Figure 36. Fuel Injection System. - ContinuedFUEL INJECTION NOZZLEFigure 37. Fuel Injection Nozzle.Figure 37. Fuel Injection Nozzle. - ContinuedFUEL INJECTION PUMP AND LUBE LINESFigure 38. Fuel Injection Pump and Lube Lines.Figure 38. Fuel Injection Pump and Lube Lines. - ContinuedFUEL INJECTION PUMP LEVERS AND TRANSFER PUMPFigure 39. Fuel Injection Pump Levers and Transfer Pump.Figure 39. Fuel Injection Pump Levers and Transfer Pump. - ContinuedFUEL INJECTION PUMP SOLENOID SHUT-OFFFigure 40. Fuel Injection Pump Solenoid Shut-Off.Figure 40. Fuel Injection Pump Solenoid Shut-Off. - ContinuedFigure 41. Air Intake System.Figure 42. Turbocharger (Airesearch).TURBOCHARGER OIL LINESFigure 43. Turbocharger Oil Lines.Figure 43. Turbocharger Oil Lines. - ContinuedFigure 44. Water Pump Assembly.Figure 45. Water Pump Inlet.THERMOSTAT HOUSING, THERMOSTAT AND COVERFigure 46. Thermostat Housing, Thermostat and Cover.Figure 46. Thermostat Housing, Thermostat and Cover. - ContinuedENGINE OIL COOLERFigure 47. Engine Oil Cooler.Figure 47. Engine Oil Cooler. - ContinuedFUEL FILTER AND MOUNTING BRACKETFigure 48. Fuel Filter and Mounting Bracket.Figure 48. Fuel Filter and Mounting Bracket. - ContinuedFigure 49. Fuel Filter Lines.Figure 50. Fuel Transfer Pump Cover.ALTERNATOR MOUNTING BRACKETSFigure 51. Alternator Mounting Brackets.Figure 51. Alternator Mounting Brackets. - ContinuedFigure 52. Crankshaft Pulley.Figure 53. Auxiliary Front Pulley.FAN DRIVE SUPPORT, PULLEYS AND BELT TENSIONERSFigure 54. Fan Drive Support, Pulleys and Belt Tensioners.Figure 54. Fan Drive Support, Pulleys and Belt Tensioners. - ContinuedFigure 55. Fan Belt and Pulley.Figure 56. Engine Flywheel and Housing (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 56. Engine Flywheel and Housing (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 56. Engine Flywheel and Housing - ContinuedCYLINDER HEAD REMOVAL AND IN VEHICLE OVERHAUL GASKET SETSFigure 57. Cylinder head Removal and In Vehicle Overhaul Gasket Sets.Figure 57. Cylinder head Removal and In Vehicle Overhaul Gasket Sets. - ContinuedENGINE MAJOR OVERHAUL GASKET SETFigure 58. Engine Major Overhaul Gasket Set.Figure 58. Engine Major Overhaul Gasket Set. - ContinuedCOLD WEATHER STARTING AIDFigure 59. Cold Weather Starting Kit.Figure 59. Cold Weather Starting Kit. - ContinuedD10W HEATER KITFigure 60. D10W Heater Kit.Figure 60. D10W Heater Kit. - ContinuedFigure 60. D10W Heater Kit. - ContinuedHEATER D10WFigure 61. Heater D10W.Figure 61. Heater D10W. - ContinuedHEATER CABLEFigure 62. Heater Cable.Figure 62. Heater Cable. - ContinuedARCTIC START KIT (TYPE I)Figure 63. Arctic Start Kit (Type I).Figure 63. Arctic Start Kit (Type I). - ContinuedARCTIC START KIT (TYPE II)Figure 64. Arctic Start Kit (Type II).Figure 64. Arctic Start Kit (Type II). - ContinuedRADIATORFigure 65. Radiator.Figure 65. Radiator. - ContinuedRADIATOR ATTACHMENTSFigure 66. Radiator Attachments.Figure 66. Radiator Attachments. - ContinuedRADIATOR SUPPORTFigure 67. Radiator Support.Figure 67. Radiator Support. - ContinuedRESERVE WATER TANKFigure 68. Reserve Water Tank.Figure 68. Reserve Water Tank. - ContinuedFigure 69. Fan Blade and Spacer.ENGINE CONTROL MOTORFigure 70. Engine Control Motor.Figure 70. Engine Control Motor. - ContinuedENGINE CONTROL UNITFigure 71. Engine Control Unit.Figure 71. Engine Control Unit. - ContinuedAIR CLEANERFigure 72. Air Cleaner.Figure 72. Air Cleaner. - ContinuedAIR CLEANER SUPPORTFigure 73. Air Cleaner Support.Figure 73. Air Cleaner Support. - ContinuedMUFFLERFigure 74. Muffler.Figure 74. Muffler. - ContinuedFUEL TANKFigure 75. Fuel Tank.Figure 75. Fuel Tank. - ContinuedFUEL PIPINGSFigure 76. Fuel Pipings.Figure 76. Fuel Pipings. - ContinuedFUEL FILTER WITH WATER SEPARATOR AND KITSFigure 77. Fuel Filter With Water Separator and Kits.Figure 77. Fuel Filter With Water Separator and Kits. - ContinuedLABELS AND DECALSFigure 78. Labels and Decals.Figure 78. Labels and Decals. - ContinuedMETRIC O-RING KITFigure 79. Metric O-Ring Kit.Figure 79. Metric O-Ring Kit. - ContinuedFigure 80. Fluid Analysis Products "Oilscan Plus".SLAVE RECEPTACLEFigure 81. Slave Receptacle.Figure 81. Slave Receptacle. - ContinuedFigure 82. Alternator, Voltage Regulator, Capacitor and Pulley (45 Amp) (24 Volt).BOOM LIGHTSFigure 83. Boom Lights.Figure 83. Boom Lights. - ContinuedCAB LIGHTSFigure 84. Cab Lights.Figure 84. Cab Lights. - ContinuedREAR HOOD LIGHTSFigure 85. Rear Hood Lights.Figure 85. Rear Hood Lights. - ContinuedCONTROLLERFigure 86. Controller.Figure 86. Controller. - ContinuedMONITORFigure 87. Monitor.Figure 87. Monitor. - ContinuedCAB WIRING HARNESS, FUSES AND ATTACHING PARTSFigure 88. Cab Wiring Harness, Fuses and Attaching Parts.Figure 88. Cab Wiring Harness, Fuses and Attaching Parts. - ContinuedRELAYSFigure 89. Relays.Figure 89. Relays. - ContinuedBATTERIESFigure 90. Batteries.Figure 90. Batteries. - ContinuedIGNITION SWITCHFigure 91. Ignition Switch.Figure 91. Ignition Switch. - ContinuedCHASSIS WIRING HARNESS, FUSE LINKS AND ATTACHING PARTSFigure 92. Chassis Wiring Harness, Fuse Links and Attaching Parts.Figure 92. Chassis Wiring Harness, Fuse Links and Attaching Parts. - ContinuedHORNFigure 93. Horn.Figure 93. Horn. - ContinuedTRAVEL MOTION ALARMFigure 94. Travel Motion Alarm.Figure 94. Travel Motion Alarm. - ContinuedFigure 95. Engine Temperature Switch.Figure 96. Converter (24-Volt to 12-Volt).Figure 97. Wiring Harness Kit.ATTACHMENT MODE KITFigure 98. Attachment Mode Kit.Figure 98. Attachment Mode Kit. - ContinuedWEATHERPACK TERMINALS AND CONNECTORSFigure 99. Weatherpack Terminals and Connectors.Figure 99. Weatherpack Terminals and Connectors. - ContinuedFigure 100. Starting Motor, Armature, Coil, Brushes, Shield and Mounting Hardware (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 100. Starting Motor, Armature, Coil, Brushes, Shield and Mounting Hardware (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 100. Starting Motor, Armature, Coil, Brushes, Shield and Mounting Hardware - ContinuedMAIN FRAMEFigure 101. Main Frame.Figure 101. Main Frame. - ContinuedRUBRAILFigure 102. Rubrail.Figure 102. Rubrail. - ContinuedCOUNTERWEIGHT (230LCR ONLY)Figure 103. Counterweight (230LCR Only).Figure 103. Counterweight (230LCR Only). - ContinuedSWING BEARINGFigure 104. Swing Bearing.Figure 104. Swing Bearing. - ContinuedGREASE-BATH COVERFigure 105. Grease-Bath Cover.Figure 105. Grease-Bath Cover. - ContinuedFigure 106. J Hooks.CAB ASSEMBLY MOUNTINGFigure 107. Cab Assembly Mounting.Figure 107. Cab Assembly Mounting. - ContinuedCAB ASSEMBLYFigure 108. Cab Assembly.Figure 108. Cab Assembly. - ContinuedANTENNA, FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND DOME LIGHT)Figure 109. Cab Assembly Components (Windshield Wipers, Speakers, Antenna, Fire Extinguisher and Dome Light).Figure 109. Cab Assembly Components (Windshield Wipers, Speakers, Antenna, Fire Extinguisher and Dome Light). - ContinuedCAB ASSEMBLY COMPONENTS (HANDRAILS, LEFT SIDE AND REAR WINDOWS AND HEADLINERS)Figure 110. Cab Assembly Components (Handrails, Left Side and Rear Windows and Headliners).Figure 110. Cab Assembly Components (Handrails, Left Side and Rear Windows and Headliners). - ContinuedCAB ASSEMBLY COMPONENTS (DOOR ASSEMBLY AND WINDOWS)Figure 111. Cab Assembly Components (Door Assembly and Windows).Figure 111. Cab Assembly Components (Door Assembly and Windows). - ContinuedFigure 111. Cab Assembly Components (Door Assembly and Windows). - ContinuedCAB ASSEMBLY COMPONENTS (FRONT WINDOW)Figure 112. Cab Assembly Components (Front Window).Figure 112. Cab Assembly Components (Front Window). - ContinuedFigure 112. Cab Assembly Components (Front Window). - ContinuedCAB ASSEMBLY COMPONENTS (RIGHT SIDE WINDOWS)Figure 113. Cab Assembly Components (Right Side Windows).Figure 113. Cab Assembly Components (Right Side Windows). - ContinuedCAB ASSEMBLY COMPONENTS (ROOF PANEL)Figure 114. Cab Assembly Components (Roof Panel).Figure 114. Cab Assembly Components (Roof Panel). - ContinuedCAB ASSEMBLY COMPONENTS (DOOR LATCH)Figure 115. Cab Assembly Components (Door Latch).Figure 115. Cab Assembly Components (Door Latch). - ContinuedCAB ASSEMBLY COMPONENTS (RIFLE RACK)Figure 116. Cab Assembly Components (Rifle Rack).Figure 116. Cab Assembly Components (Rifle Rack). - ContinuedCAB ASSEMBLY INSIDE RIGHT COVERFigure 117. Cab Assembly Inside Right Cover.Figure 117. Cab Assembly Inside Right Cover. - ContinuedLOWER MONITOR COVERFigure 118. Lower Monitor Cover.Figure 118. Lower Monitor Cover. - ContinuedRADIOFigure 119. Radio.Figure 119. Radio. - ContinuedWINDOW WASHERFigure 120. Window Washer.Figure 120. Window Washer. - ContinuedCAB ASSEMBLY FLOOR PARTSFigure 121. Cab Assembly Floor Parts.Figure 121. Cab Assembly Floor Parts. - ContinuedFLOOR PLATEFigure 122. Floor Plate.Figure 122. Floor Plate. - ContinuedCONSOLE AND COVERFigure 123. Console and Cover (Sheet 1 of 3).Figure 123. Console and Cover (Sheet 2 of 3).Figure 123. Console and Cover (Sheet 3 of 3).Figure 123. Console and Cover - ContinuedSEAT ASSEMBLYFigure 124. Seat Assembly.Figure 124. Seat Assembly. - ContinuedSEAT STANDFigure 125. Seat Stand.Figure 125. Seat Stand. - ContinuedFigure 126. Seat Belt (Nonretractable and Retractable) (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 126. Set Belt (Nonretractable and Retractable) (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 126. Set Belt (Nonretractable and Retractable) - ContinuedFigure 127. Cab Heater (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 127. Cab Heater (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 127. Cab Heater - ContinuedHEATER CONTROLLERFigure 128. Heater Controller.Figure 128. Heater Controller. - ContinuedHEATER PIPINGS (FOR UNITS WITHOUT AIR CONDITIONER)Figure 129. Heater Pipings (For Units Without Air Conditioner).Figure 129. Heater Pipings (For Units Without Air Conditioner). - ContinuedAIR CONDITIONERFigure 130. Air Conditioner.Figure 130. Air Conditioner. - ContinuedAIR CONDITIONER SYSTEMFigure 131. Air Conditioner System.Figure 131. Air Conditioner System. - ContinuedFigure 132. Air Conditioner Piping (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 132. Air Conditioner Piping (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 132. Air Conditioner Piping - ContinuedAIR CONDITIONER COMPRESSORFigure 133. Air Conditioner Compressor.Figure 133. Air Conditioner Compressor. - ContinuedFigure 134. Air Conditioner Components (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 134. Air Conditioner Components (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 134. Air Conditioner Components - ContinuedFigure 134. Air Conditioner Components - ContinuedAIR CONDITIONER BLOWERFigure 135. Air Conditioner Blower.Figure 135. Air Conditioner Blower. - ContinuedAIR CONDITIONER HOUSING UNIT COMPONENTSFigure 136. Air Conditioner Housing Unit Components.Figure 136. Air Conditioner Housing Unit Components. - ContinuedAIR CONDITIONER CONTROLLERFigure 137. Air Conditioner Controller.Figure 137. Air Conditioner Controller. - ContinuedFigure 138. Air Conditioner Duct (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 138. Air Conditioner Duct (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 138. Air Conditioner Duct - ContinuedREAR TRAY (FOR UNITS WITH HEATER)Figure 139. Rear Tray (For Units With Heater).Figure 139. Rear Tray (For Units With Heater). - ContinuedREAR TRAY (FOR UNITS WITH AIR CONDITIONER)Figure 140. Rear Tray (For Units With Air Conditioner).Figure 140. Rear Tray (For Units With Air Conditioner). - ContinuedDEFROSTER/AIR CIRCULATION FANFigure 141. Defroster/Air Circulation Fan.Figure 141. Defroster/Air Circulation Fan. - ContinuedWINDOW GUARDSFIG. 142. WINDOW GUARDSFIG. 142. WINDOW GUARDS - ContinuedFigure 143. Covers (Sheet 1 of 8).Figure 143. Covers (Sheet 2 of 8).Figure 143. Covers (Sheet 3 of 8).Figure 143. Covers (Sheet 4 of 8).Figure 143. Covers (Sheet 5 of 8).Figure 143. Covers (Sheet 6 of 8).Figure 143. Covers (Sheet 7 of 8).Figure 143. Covers (Sheet 8 of 8).Figure 143. Covers - ContinuedFigure 143. Covers - ContinuedWEATHERSTRIPFigure 144. Weatherstrip.Figure 144. Weatherstrip. - ContinuedENGINE COVERFigure 145. Engine Cover.Figure 145. Engine Cover. - ContinuedFigure 146. Tool Box Cover and Security Hasp (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 146. Tool Box Cover and Security Hasp (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 146. Tool Box Cover and Security Hasp - ContinuedTOOL BOX DOOR LOCK LATCHFigure 147. Tool Box Door Lock Latch.Figure 147. Tool Box Door Lock Latch. - ContinuedUNDER COVERFigure 148. Under Cover.Figure 148. Under Cover. - ContinuedDOOR LOCKFigure 149. Door Lock.Figure 149. Door Lock. - ContinuedCAB SCREEN, FRONT UPPERFigure 150. Cab Screen, Front Upper.Figure 150. Cab Screen, Front Upper. - ContinuedLOWER FRONT WINDSHIELD GUARDFigure 151. Lower Front Windshield Guard.Figure 151. Lower Front Windshield Guard. - ContinuedFigure 152. Guard Boom.LEFT REAR VIEW MIRRORFigure 153. Left Rear View Mirror.Figure 153. Left Rear View Mirror. - ContinuedFigure 154. Fire Extinguisher (Type II).ALARM, OVERLOADFigure 155. Alarm, Overload.Figure 155. Alarm, Overload. - ContinuedFigure 156. Decontamination Can Mount.Figure 157. Vandal Protection Storage Rack.Figure 158. Vandal Protection Storage Box.Figure 159. Main Hydraulic Pump (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 159. Main Hydraulic Pump (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 159. Main Hydraulic Pump - ContinuedFigure 159. Main Hydraulic Pump - ContinuedPUMP UNITFigure 160. Pump Unit.Figure 160. Pump Unit. - ContinuedFigure 160. Pump Unit. - ContinuedPUMP REGULATING VALVEFigure 161. Pump Regulating Valve.Figure 161. Pump Regulating Valve. - ContinuedPUMP GEARFigure 162. Pump Gear.Figure 162. Pump Gear. - ContinuedOIL TANKFigure 163. Oil Tank.Figure 163. Oil Tank. - ContinuedSUCTION PIPINGSFigure 164. Suction Pipings.Figure 164. Suction Pipings. - ContinuedDELIVERY PIPINGSFigure 165. Delivery Pipings.Figure 165. Delivery Pipings. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC FILTER RESTRICTION INDICATOR KITFigure 166. Hydraulic Filter Restriction Indicator Kit.Figure 166. Hydraulic Filter Restriction Indicator Kit. - ContinuedANTI-DRIFT F/BUCKET CYLINDER KITFigure 167. Anti-Drift F/Bucket Cylinder Kit.Figure 167. Anti-Drift F/Bucket Cylinder Kit. - ContinuedFigure 168. Hydraulic Quick Couplers F/Auxiliary Lines.Figure 169. Hydraulic Quick Couplers F/Rock Drill.COMPRESSOR MOUNTFigure 170. Compressor Mount.Figure 170. Compressor Mount. - ContinuedCOMPRESSOR FRAMEFigure 171. Compressor Frame.Figure 171. Compressor Frame. - ContinuedCOOLING COMPLETEFigure 172. Cooling Complete.Figure 172. Cooling Complete. - ContinuedFigure 172. Cooling Complete. - ContinuedAIR END COMPLETEFigure 173. Air End Complete.Figure 173. Air End Complete. - ContinuedAIR END ASSEMBLYFigure 174. Air End Assembly (Sheet 1 of 3).Figure 174. Air End Assembly (Sheet 2 of 3).Figure 174. Air End Assembly (Sheet 3 of 3).Figure 174. Air End Assembly - ContinuedFigure 174. Air End Assembly - ContinuedUNLOADER VALVE ASSEMBLYFigure 175. Unloader Valve Assembly.Figure 175. Unloader Valve Assembly. - ContinuedOIL TEMPERATURE BYPASS VALVE ASSEMBLYFigure 176. Oil Temperature Bypass Valve Assembly.Figure 176. Oil Temperature Bypass Valve Assembly. - ContinuedOIL FILTER ASSEMBLYFigure 177. Oil Filter Assembly.Figure 177. Oil Filter Assembly. - ContinuedEXHAUST SUPPORT BRACKETFigure 178. Exhaust Support Bracket.Figure 178. Exhaust Support Bracket. - ContinuedFigure 179. Separator Tank (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 179. Separator Tank (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 179. Separator Tank - ContinuedFigure 179. Separator Tank - ContinuedFLUID PRESSURE REGULATING VALVEFigure 180. Fluid Pressure Regulating Valve.Figure 180. Fluid Pressure Regulating Valve. - ContinuedFigure 181. Intake Air Cleaner (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 181. Intake Air Cleaner (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 181. Intake Air Cleaner - ContinuedAIR PIPINGFigure 182. Air Piping.Figure 182. Air Piping. - ContinuedOIL PIPINGFigure 183. Oil Piping.Figure 183. Oil Piping. - ContinuedFigure 183. Oil Piping. - ContinuedFigure 183. Oil Piping. - ContinuedCENTRAL DRAINSFigure 184. Central Drains.Figure 184. Central Drains. - ContinuedREMOTE INSTRUMENT CONTROL PANELFigure 185. Remote Instrument Control Panel.Figure 185. Remote Instrument Control Panel. - ContinuedINSTRUMENT CONTROL PANEL ASSEMBLYFigure 186. Instrument Control Panel Assembly.Figure 186. Instrument Control Panel Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 186. Instrument Control Panel Assembly. - ContinuedCOLD START ASSEMBLYFigure 187. Cold Start Assembly.Figure 187. Cold Start Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 188. Air Compressor Decals (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 188. Air Compressor Decals (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 188. Air Compressor Decals - ContinuedFigure 189. Air Line, Rock Drill (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 189. Air Line, Rock Drill (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 189. Air Line, Rock Drill - ContinuedAIR LINE, AUXILIARYFigure 190. Air Line, Auxiliary.Figure 190. Air Line, Auxiliary. - ContinuedGREASE LINE, DRILLFigure 191. Grease Line, Drill.Figure 191. Grease Line, Drill. - ContinuedRETURN LINE, DRILLFigure 192. Return Line, Drill.Figure 192. Return Line, Drill. - ContinuedFigure 193. Coolant Kit.COMPRESSOR HOOD/DOORS/BAFFLE/GRILLFigure 194. Compressor Hood/Doors/Baffle/Grill.Figure 194. Compressor Hood/Doors/Baffle/Grill. - ContinuedKIT, FUEL LINES, COMPRESSOR EXCAVATORFigure 195. Kit, Fuel Lines, Compressor Excavator.Figure 195. Kit, Fuel Lines, Compressor Excavator. - ContinuedROCK DRILL ELECTRIC/CONSOLE MOUNTFigure 196. Rock Drill Electric/Console Mount.Figure 196. Rock Drill Electric/Console Mount. - ContinuedENGINE COMPLETEFigure 197. Engine Complete.Figure 197. Engine Complete. - ContinuedFigure 197. Engine Complete. - ContinuedCRANKSHAFT, GEAR AND MAIN BEARINGS (AC ENGINE)Figure 198. Crankshaft, Gear and Main Bearings (AC Engine).Figure 198. Crankshaft, Gear and Main Bearings (AC Engine). - ContinuedFigure 198. Crankshaft, Gear and Main Bearings (AC Engine). - ContinuedFigure 199. Camshaft (AC Engine).ROCKER ARM COVER (AC ENGINE)Figure 200. Rocker Arm Cover (A/C Engine).Figure 200. Rocker Arm Cover (A/C Engine). - ContinuedROCKER ARM SHAFT, PUSH RODS AND ROCKER ARMS (AC ENGINE)Figure 201. Rocker Arm Shaft, Push Rods and Rocker Arms (AC Engine).Figure 201. Rocker Arm Shaft, Push Rods and Rocker Arms (AC Engine). - ContinuedTIMING GEAR COVER (AC ENGINE S/N 900932 AND LOWER)Figure 202. Timing Gear Cover (AC Engine S/N 900932 and Lower).Figure 202. Timing Gear Cover (AC Engine S/N 900932 and Lower). - ContinuedTIMING GEAR COVER (AC ENGINE S/N 900933 AND GREATER)Figure 203. Timing Gear Cover (AC Engine S/N 900933 and Greater).Figure 203. Timing Gear Cover (AC Engine S/N 900933 and Greater). - ContinuedCONNECTING ROD, BEARINGS AND PISTON (AC ENGINE)Figure 204. Connecting Rod, Bearings and Piston (AC Engine).Figure 204. Connecting Rod, Bearings and Piston (AC Engine). - ContinuedFigure 205. Engine Front Plate (AC Engine).CYLINDER BLOCK AND MAIN BEARING CAP (AC ENGINE)Figure 206. Cylinder Block and Main Bearing Cap (AC Engine).Figure 206. Cylinder Block and Main Bearing Cap (AC Engine). - ContinuedENGINE SHORT BLOCK (AC ENGINE)Figure 207. Engine Short Block (AC Engine).Figure 207. Engine Short Block (AC Engine). - ContinuedFigure 208. Engine Oil Filler Neck/Cover.Figure 209. Engine Oil Dipstick (AC Engine).ENGINE OIL PUMP AND OIL PUMP INTAKE (AC ENGINE)Figure 210. Engine Oil Pump and Oil Pump Intake (AC Engine).Figure 210. Engine Oil Pump and Oil Pump Intake (AC Engine). - ContinuedENGINE OIL FILTER/ADAPTER (AC ENGINE)Figure 211. Engine Oil Filter/Adapter (AC Engine).Figure 211. Engine Oil Filter/Adapter (AC Engine). - ContinuedENGINE OIL PAN (AC ENGINE)Figure 212. Engine Oil Pan (AC Engine).Figure 212. Engine Oil Pan (AC Engine). - ContinuedENGINE VENTILATING SYSTEM (AC ENGINE)Figure 213. Engine Ventilating System (AC Engine).Figure 213. Engine Ventilating System (AC Engine). - ContinuedCYLINDER HEAD, HEAD GASKET AND VALVES (AC ENGINE)Figure 214. Cylinder Head, Head Gasket and Valves (AC Engine).Figure 214. Cylinder Head, Head Gasket and Valves (AC Engine). - ContinuedFigure 215. Exhaust Manifold (AC Engine).FUEL INJECTION NOZZLE (AC ENGINE)Figure 216. Fuel Injection Nozzle (AC Engine).Figure 216. Fuel Injection Nozzle (AC Engine). - ContinuedFUEL INJECTION SYSTEM (AC ENGINE)Figure 217. Fuel Injection System (AC Engine).Figure 217. Fuel Injection System (AC Engine). - ContinuedFigure 217. Fuel Injection System (AC Engine). - ContinuedFUEL INJECTION PUMP AND INJECTION PUMP LUBE LINE (AC ENGINE)Figure 218. Fuel Injection Pump and Injection Pump Lube Line (AC Engine).Figure 218. Fuel Injection Pump and Injection Pump Lube Line (AC Engine). - ContinuedAIR INLET (AC ENGINE)Figure 219. Air Inlet (AC Engine).Figure 219. Air Inlet (AC Engine). - ContinuedENGINE BALANCER SHAFT (AC ENGINE)Figure 220. Engine Balancer Shaft (AC Engine).Figure 220. Engine Balancer Shaft (AC Engine). - ContinuedFigure 221. Turbocharger (AC Engine).TURBOCHARGER OIL LINES (AC ENGINE)Figure 222. Turbocharger Oil Lines (AC Engine).Figure 222. Turbocharger Oil Lines (AC Engine). - ContinuedWATER PUMP ASSEMBLY (AC ENGINE)Figure 223. Water Pump Assembly (AC Engine).Figure 223. Water Pump Assembly (AC Engine). - ContinuedWATER PUMP ASSEMBLY PULLEY AND INLET (AC ENGINE)Figure 224. Water Pump Assembly Pulley and Inlet (AC Engine).Figure 224. Water Pump Assembly Pulley and Inlet (AC Engine). - ContinuedTHERMOSTAT AND COVER (AC ENGINE)Figure 225. Thermostat and Cover (AC Engine).Figure 225. Thermostat and Cover (AC Engine). - ContinuedENGINE OIL COOLER (AC ENGINE)Figure 226. Engine Oil Cooler (AC Engine).Figure 226. Engine Oil Cooler (AC Engine). - ContinuedFUEL FILTER AND FUEL LINES (AC ENGINE)Figure 227. Fuel Filter and Fuel Lines (AC Engine).Figure 227. Fuel Filter and Fuel Lines (AC Engine). - ContinuedFUEL TRANSFER PUMP (AC ENGINE)Figure 228. Fuel Transfer Pump (AC Engine).Figure 228. Fuel Transfer Pump (AC Engine). - ContinuedSTARTING MOTOR AND SOLENOID KIT (AC ENGINE) (ENGINE SERIAL NO. 709446 AND ABOVE)Figure 229. Starting Motor and Solenoid Kit (AC Engine) (Engine Serial No. 709446 and Above).Figure 229. Starting Motor and Solenoid Kit (AC Engine) (Engine Serial No. 709446 and Above). - ContinuedALTERNATOR MOUNTING BRACKET (AC ENGINE)Figure 230. Alternator Mounting Bracket (AC Engine).Figure 230. Alternator Mounting Bracket (AC Engine). - ContinuedFigure 231. Crankshaft Pulley (AC Engine).FAN DRIVE, PULLEYS AND BELT TENSIONERS (AC ENGINE)Figure 232. Fan Drive, Pulleys and Belt Tensioners (AC Engine).Figure 232. Fan Drive, Pulleys and Belt Tensioners (AC Engine). - ContinuedFigure 233. Drive Belt Tensioner (Manual) With Aux, Drive (AC Engine).Figure 234. Fan Belt and Pulley (AC Engine).Figure 235. Engine Flywheel (AC Engine).Figure 236. Engine Flywheel Housing (AC Engine).CYLINDER HEAD REMOVAL AND IN VEHICLE OVERHAUL GASKET SETS (AC ENGINE)Figure 237. Cylinder Head Removal and In Vehicle Overhaul Gasket Sets (AC Engine).Figure 237. Cylinder Head Removal and In Vehicle Overhaul Gasket Sets (AC Engine). - ContinuedENGINE MAJOR OVERHAUL GASKET SET (AC ENGINE)Figure 238. Engine Major Overhaul Gasket Set (AC Engine).Figure 238. Engine Major Overhaul Gasket Set (AC Engine). - ContinuedFigure 238. Engine Major Overhaul Gasket Set (AC Engine). - ContinuedFigure 228. Engine Coolant Heater (AC Engine).Figure 228. Air Intake System Air Heater (AC Engine).COLD WEATHER STARTING AID (AC ENGINE)Figure 241. Cold Weather Starting Aid (AC Engine).Figure 241. Cold Weather Starting Aid (AC Engine). - ContinuedFigure 242. Single Stage Air Cleaner (AC Engine).Figure 243. Tachometer Sensor (AC Engine).Figure 244. Attachments.BUCKET (42 INCH HEAVY DUTY) (ALSO ORDER BUCKET TOOTH ASSEMBLIESFigure 245. Bucket (42 Inch Heavy Duty) (Also Order Bucket Tooth Assemblies).Figure 245. Bucket (42 Inch Heavy Duty) (Also Order Bucket Tooth Assemblies). - ContinuedBUCKET (DITCH CLEANING)Figure 246. Bucket (Ditch Cleaning).Figure 246. Bucket (Ditch Cleaning). - ContinuedESCO BUCKET CUTTING EDGES, TEETH AND ADAPTERSFigure 247. Esco Bucket Cutting Edges, Teeth and Adapters.Figure 247. Esco Bucket Cutting Edges, Teeth and Adapters. - ContinuedFigure 247. Esco Bucket Cutting Edges, Teeth and Adapters. - ContinuedGENERAL PURPOSE BUCKET TOOTH ASSEMBLY (24, 30, 36, 42 OR 48 INCH BUCKET)Figure 248. General Purpose Bucket Tooth Assembly (24, 30, 36, 42 or 48 Inch Bucket).Figure 248. General Purpose Bucket Tooth Assembly (24, 30, 36, 42 or 48 Inch Bucket). - ContinuedFigure 248. General Purpose Bucket Tooth Assembly (24, 30, 36, 42 or 48 Inch Bucket). - ContinuedHEAVY DUTY HIGH CAPACITY BUCKET TOOTH ASSEMBLY (310 SERIES TEETH) (24, 30, 36 OR 42 INCH BUCKET)Figure 249. Heavy Duty High Capacity Bucket Tooth Assembly (310 Series Teeth) (24, 30, 36 or 42 Inch Bucket).Figure 249. Heavy Duty High Capacity Bucket Tooth Assembly (310 Series Teeth) (24, 30, 36 or 42 Inch Bucket). - ContinuedFigure 249. Heavy Duty High Capacity Bucket Tooth Assembly (310 Series Teeth) (24, 30, 36 or 42 Inch Bucket). - ContinuedHEAVY DUTY HIGH CAPACITY BUCKET TOOTH ASSEMBLY (400 SERIES TEETH) (24, 30, 36 OR 42 INCH BUCKET)Figure 250. Heavy Duty High Capacity Bucket Tooth Assembly (400 Series Teeth) (24, 30, 36 or 42 Inch Bucket).Figure 250. Heavy Duty High Capacity Bucket Tooth Assembly (400 Series Teeth) (24, 30, 36 or 42 Inch Bucket). - ContinuedFigure 250. Heavy Duty High Capacity Bucket Tooth Assembly (400 Series Teeth) (24, 30, 36 or 42 Inch Bucket). - ContinuedSEVERE DUTY CAST LIP BUCKET TOOTH ASSEMBLY (36 OR 42 INCH BUCKET)Figure 251. Severe Duty Cast Lip Bucket Tooth Assembly (36 or 42 Inch Bucket)Figure 251. Severe Duty Cast Lip Bucket Tooth Assembly (36 or 42 Inch Bucket) - ContinuedSEVERE DUTY PLATE LIP BUCKET TOOTH ASSEMBLY (30, 36 OR 42 INCH BUCKET)Figure 252. Severe Duty Plate Lip Bucket Tooth Assembly (30, 36 or 42 Inch Bucket)Figure 252. Severe Duty Plate Lip Bucket Tooth Assembly (30, 36 or 42 Inch Bucket) - ContinuedFigure 252. Severe Duty Plate Lip Bucket Tooth Assembly (30, 36 or 42 Inch Bucket) - ContinuedFigure 253. Hydraulic Thumb Cylinder Assembly.HYDRAULIC THUMB AND CYLINDERFigure 254. Hydraulic Thumb and Cylinder.Figure 254. Hydraulic Thumb and Cylinder. - ContinuedQUICK LATCH ASSEMBLYFigure 255. Quick Latch Assembly.Figure 255. Quick Latch Assembly. - ContinuedQUICK LATCH ASSEMBLY HYDRAULIC KITFigure 256. Quick Latch Assembly Hydraulic Kit.Figure 256. Quick Latch Assembly Hydraulic Kit. - ContinuedCONTROL LEVER (FRONT AND SWING)Figure 257. Control Lever (Front and Swing).Figure 257. Control Lever (Front and Swing). - ContinuedFigure 258. Pilot Valve (Front and Swing) (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 258. Pilot Valve (Front and Swing) (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 258. Pilot Valve (Front and Swing) - ContinuedPROPEL CONTROL LEVER (TRAVEL)Figure 259. Propel Control Lever (Travel).Figure 259. Propel Control Lever (Travel). - ContinuedPROPEL PEDALSFigure 260. Propel Pedals.Figure 260. Propel Pedals. - ContinuedFigure 261. Propel Pilot Valve (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 261. Propel Pilot Valve (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 261. Propel Pilot Valve - ContinuedPROPEL LEVER DAMPENERFigure 262. Propel Lever Dampener.Figure 262. Propel Lever Dampener. - ContinuedTWO WAY HYDRAULIC FOOT PEDAL KITFigure 263. Two Way Hydraulic Foot Pedal Kit.Figure 263. Two Way Hydraulic Foot Pedal Kit. - ContinuedSTANDARD ARM 2.96 M (9 FT 9 IN)Figure 264. Standard Arm 2.96 M (9 Ft 9 In).Figure 264. Standard Arm 2.96 M (9 Ft 9 In). - ContinuedFigure 265. Return Pipings (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 265. Return Pipings (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 265. Return Pipings - ContinuedDRAIN PIPINGSFigure 266. Drain Pipings.Figure 266. Drain Pipings. - ConitnuedFigure 267. Main Pipings (Sheet 1 of 4).Figure 267. Main Pipings (Sheet 2 of 4).Figure 267. Main Pipings (Sheet 3 of 4).Figure 267. Main Pipings (Sheet 4 of 4).Figure 267. Main Pipings - ContinuedBOOM BOTTOM PIPINGSFigure 268. Boom Bottom Pipings.Figure 268. Boom Bottom Pipings. - ContinuedLOCK LEVERFigure 269. Lock Lever.Figure 269. Lock Lever. - ContinuedCONTROL VALVE SUPPORTFigure 270. Control Valve Support.Figure 270. Control Valve Support. - ContinuedFigure 271. Control Valve (Sheet 1 of 6).Figure 271. Control Valve (Sheet 2 of 6).Figure 271. Control Valve (Sheet 3 of 6).Figure 271. Control Valve (Sheet 4 of 6).Figure 271. Control Valve (Sheet 5 of 6).Figure 271. Control Valve (Sheet 6 of 6).Figure 271. Control Valve - ContinuedFigure 271. Control Valve - ContinuedSOLENOID VALVEFigure 272. Solenoid Valve.Figure 272. Solenoid Valve. - ContinuedPILOT PIPINGSFigure 273. Pilot Pipings (Sheet 1 of 13).Figure 273. Pilot Pipings (Sheet 2 of 13).Figure 273. Pilot Pipings (Sheet 3 of 13).Figure 273. Pilot Pipings (Sheet 4 of 13).Figure 273. Pilot Pipings (Sheet 5 of 13).Figure 273. Pilot Pipings (Sheet 6 of 13).Figure 273. Pilot Pipings (Sheet 7 of 13).Figure 273. Pilot Pipings (Sheet 8 of 13).Figure 273. Pilot Pipings (Sheet 9 of 13).Figure 273. Pilot Pipings (Sheet 10 of 13).Figure 273. Pilot Pipings (Sheet 11 of 13).Figure 273. Pilot Pipings (Sheet 12 of 13).Figure 273. Pilot Pipings (Sheet 13 of 13).Figure 273. Pilot Pipings - ContinuedFigure 273. Pilot Pipings - ContinuedFigure 273. Pilot Pipings - ContinuedFRONT PIPINGSFigure 274. Front Pipings.Figure 274. Front Pipings. - ContinuedLUBRICATE PIPINGSFigure 275. Lubricate Pipings.Figure 275. Lubricate Pipings. - ContinuedFLOW CONTROL VALVEFigure 276. Flow Control Valve.Figure 276. Flow Control Valve. - ContinuedRELIEF VALVEFigure 277. Relief Valve.Figure 277. Relief Valve. - ContinuedLOCK VALVEFigure 278. Lock Valve.Figure 278. Lock Valve. - ContinuedRIGHT BOOM CYLINDERFigure 279. Right Boom Cylinder.Figure 279. Right Boom Cylinder. - ContinuedLEFT BOOM CYLINDERFigure 280. Left Boom Cylinder.Figure 280. Left Boom Cylinder. - ContinuedARM CYLINDERFigure 281. Arm Cylinder.Figure 281. Arm Cylinder. - ContinuedBUCKET CYLINDERFigure 282. Bucket Cylinder.Figure 282. Bucket Cylinder. - ContinuedELECTRIC FOOT SWITCH FOR AUXILIARY CONTROL (ONE SOLENOID)Figure 283. Electric Foot Switch For Auxiliary Control (One Solenoid).Figure 283. Electric Foot Switch For Auxiliary Control (One Solenoid). - ContinuedDUAL CONTROL HANDLE WITH WIRING FOR AUXILIARY CONTROLS (2 SOLENOIDS)Figure 284. Dual Control Handle With Wiring For Auxiliary Controls (2 Solenoids).Figure 284. Dual Control Handle With Wiring For Auxiliary Controls (2 Solenoids). - ContinuedAUXILIARY SPOOL CONTROL W/FLOW CONTROL KITFigure 285. Auxiliary Spool Control W/Flow Control Kit.Figure 285. Auxiliary Spool Control W/Flow Control Kit. - ContinuedBOOM CYLINDER LOAD LOWERING VALVE KITFigure 286. Boom Cylinder Load Lowering Valve Kit (Sheet 1 of 3).Figure 286. Boom Cylinder Load Lowering Valve Kit (Sheet 2 of 3).Figure 286. Boom Cylinder Load Lowering Valve Kit (Sheet 3 of 3).Figure 286. Boom Cylinder Load Lowering Valve Kit - ContinuedFigure 286. Boom Cylinder Load Lowering Valve Kit - ContinuedAUXILIARY HYDRAULIC PLUMBING (BOOM AND ARM KIT)Figure 287. Auxiliary Hydraulic Plumbing (Boom and Arm Kit).Figure 287. Auxiliary Hydraulic Plumbing (Boom and Arm Kit). - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CONNECTIONSFigure 288. Hydraulic Connections.Figure 288. Hydraulic Connections. - ContinuedHOSE REELFigure 289. Hose Reel.Figure 289. Hose Reel. - ContinuedFigure 289. Hose Reel. - ContinuedFigure 290. Controls, Pilot, For Hand Held Tools. (Sheet 1 of 4).Figure 290. Controls, Pilot, For Hand Held Tools. (Sheet 2 of 4).Figure 290. Valve/Hose Ends (Sheet 3 of 4).Figure 290. Hose Ends (Sheet 4 of 4).Figure 290. Hose Ends - ContinuedCONTROLS, PILOT, ROCK DRILL HYDRAULICSFigure 291. Controls, Pilot, Rock Drill Hydraulics (Sheet 1 of 3).Figure 291. Hydraulic Schematic (Sheet 2 of 3).Figure 291. Hose Ends (Sheet 3 of 3).Figure 291. Hose Ends - ContinuedSWING DEVICEFigure 292. Swing Device.Figure 292. Swing Device. - ContinuedSWING MOTORFigure 293. Swing Motor.Figure 293. Swing Motor. - ContinuedROCK DRILL HYDRAULIC DRIFTER HC 150 IR PERCUSSION PART DISTRIBUTIONFigure 294. Rock Drill Hydraulic Drifter HC 150 IR Percussion Part Distribution.Figure 294. Rock Drill Hydraulic Drifter HC 150 IR Percussion Part Distribution. - ContinuedROCK DRILL HYDRAULIC DRIFTER HC 150 IR CENTRAL PARTFigure 295. Rock Drill Hydraulic Drifter HC 150 IR Central Part.Figure 295. Rock Drill Hydraulic Drifter HC 150 IR Central Part. - ContinuedFigure 295. Rock Drill Hydraulic Drifter HC 150 IR Central Part. - ContinuedROCK DRILL HYDRAULIC DRIFTER HC 150 IR HYDRAULIC STOPFigure 296. Rock Drill Hydraulic Drifter HC 150 IR Hydraulic Stop.Figure 296. Rock Drill Hydraulic Drifter HC 150 IR Hydraulic Stop. - ContinuedFigure 296. Rock Drill Hydraulic Drifter HC 150 IR Hydraulic Stop. - ContinuedFigure 297. Rock Drill Hydraulic Drifter HC 150 IR Front Assembly (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 297. Rock Drill Hydraulic Drifter HC 150 IR Front Assembly (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 297. Rock Drill Hydraulic Drifter HC 150 IR Front Assembly - ContinuedFigure 297. Rock Drill Hydraulic Drifter HC 150 IR Front Assembly - ContinuedLP ACCUMULATORFigure 298. LP Accumulator.Figure 298. LP Accumulator. - ContinuedHP ACCUMULATOR (CENTRAL)Figure 299. HP Accumulator (Central).Figure 299. HP Accumulator (Central). - ContinuedHP ACCUMULATORFigure 300. HP Accumulator.Figure 300. HP Accumulator. - ContinuedGCX 14/12 FEEDFigure 301. GCX 14/12 Feed.Figure 301. GCX 14/12 Feed. - ContinuedFigure 302. Turnbuckle (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 302. Turnbuckle (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 302. Turnbuckle - ContinuedSPROCKET WHEELFigure 303. Sprocket Wheel.Figure 303. Sprocket Wheel. - ContinuedACTUATOR MOTOR AND BRAKE ASSEMBLYFigure 304. Actuator Motor and Brake Assembly.Figure 304. Actuator Motor and Brake Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 304. Actuator Motor and Brake Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 305. Hose Reel (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 305. Hose Reel (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 305. Hose Reel - ContinuedFigure 305. Hose Reel - ContinuedMOUNTING BRACKET (DRILL MOUNTING ASSEMBLY)Figure 306. Mounting Bracket (Drill Mounting Assembly).Figure 306. Mounting Bracket (Drill Mounting Assembly). - ContinuedGCX 14/12 FRONT PARTFigure 307. GCX 14/12 Front Part.Figure 307. GCX 14/12 Front Part. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC CENTRALIZERFigure 308. Hydraulic Centralizer.Figure 308. Hydraulic Centralizer. - ContinuedLINEAR ACTUATING CYLINDER ASSEMBLYFigure 309. Linear Actuating Cylinder Assembly.Figure 309. Linear Actuating Cylinder Assembly. - ContinuedDUST AND MOISTURE SEAL PROTECTIVE COVERFigure 310. Dust and Moisture Seal Protective Cover.Figure 310. Dust and Moisture Seal Protective Cover. - ContinuedFigure 311. Linear Actuating Cylinder.GCX FEED EMERGENCY STOPFigure 312. GCX Feed Emergency Stop.Figure 312. GCX Feed Emergency Stop. - ContinuedROD CHANGER LOWER PARTFigure 313. Rod Changer Lower Part.Figure 313. Rod Changer Lower Part. - ContinuedROD CHANGER CAROUSELFigure 314. Rod Changer Carousel.Figure 314. Rod Changer Carousel. - ContinuedROD CHANGER UPPER PARTFigure 315. Rod Changer Upper Part.Figure 315. Rod Changer Upper Part. - ContinuedFigure 315. Rod Changer Upper Part. - ContinuedROD CHANGER INTERMEDIATE PARTFigure 316. Rod Changer Intermediate Part.Figure 316. Rod Changer Intermediate Part. - ContinuedROD CHANGER LOWER CLAMPFigure 317. Rod Changer Lower Clamp.Figure 317. Rod Changer Lower Clamp. - ContinuedFigure 317. Rod Changer Lower Clamp. - ContinuedROD CHANGER UPPER CLAMPFigure 318. Rod Changer Upper Clamp.Figure 318. Rod Changer Upper Clamp. - ContinuedFigure 318. Rod Changer Upper Clamp. - ContinuedROD CHANGER LUBRICATING SYSTEMSFigure 319. Rod Changer Lubricating Systems.Figure 319. Rod Changer Lubricating Systems. - ContinuedROD CHANGER HYDRAULIC PARTFigure 320. Rod Changer Hydraulic Part.Figure 320. Rod Changer Hydraulic Part. - ContinuedFigure 320. Rod Changer Hydraulic Part. - ContinuedFigure 321. Rod Changer CPA Equipment.LINEAR ACTUATING CYLINDER ASSEMBLY (P/N 86411790)Figure 322. Linear Actuating Cylinder Assembly (P/N 86411790).Figure 322. Linear Actuating Cylinder Assembly (P/N 86411790). - ContinuedFigure 323. Linear Actuating Cylinder Assembly (P/N 86420478).CRADLE AND ARTICULATION FEEDFigure 324. Cradle and Articulation Feed.Figure 324. Cradle and Articulation Feed. - ContinuedFigure 325. Linear Actuating Cylinder Parts Kit.LINEAR ACTUATING CYLINDER ASSEMBLY (P/N 86475993)Figure 326. Linear Actuating Cylinder Assembly (P/N 86475993).Figure 326. Linear Actuating Cylinder Assembly (P/N 86475993). - ContinuedAIR OILER AND PRESSURE REDUCERFigure 327. Air Oiler and Pressure Reducer.Figure 327. Air Oiler and Pressure Reducer. - ContinuedFEED AND COLLARING FEEDFigure 328. Feed and Collaring Feed.Figure 328. Feed and Collaring Feed. - ContinuedDRIFTER ROTATION SETTINGFigure 329. Drifter Rotation Setting.Figure 329. Drifter Rotation Setting. - ContinuedOSCILLATION/HP/DUST COLLECTORFigure 330. Oscillation/HP/Dust Collector.Figure 330. Oscillation/HP/Dust Collector. - ContinuedFigure 330. Oscillation/HP/Dust Collector. - ContinuedDUST COLLECTOR CONNECTORFigure 331. Dust Collector Connector.Figure 331. Dust Collector Connector. - ContinuedFigure 332. Feed Brake Release Sequence Valve.Figure 333. Drifter Percussion and Fast Feed Valve.Figure 334. P2 Connectors.AIR FLUSHING VALVEFigure 335. Air Flushing Valve.Figure 335. Air Flushing Valve. - ContinuedFigure 336. Drifter Rotation Valve.RELIEF VALVEFigure 337. Relief Valve.Figure 337. Relief Valve. - ContinuedDRAIN CONNECTORFigure 338. Drain Connector.Figure 338. Drain Connector. - ContinuedFigure 339. Flow Divider Connector (HP/Feed).AIR FLUSHING VALVEFigure 340. Air Flushing Valve.Figure 340. Air Flushing Valve. - ContinuedVALVE FLOW DIVIDERFigure 341. Valve Flow Divider.Figure 341. Valve Flow Divider. - ContinuedLP CONNECTORFigure 342. LP Connector.Figure 342. LP Connector. - ContinuedFigure 343. Pressure Test Adapters.ADAPTERS AND RETAINING STRAPSFigure 344. Adapters and Retaining Straps.Figure 344. Adapters and Retaining Straps. - ContinuedFigure 345. GM4 Oiler Check Valve.Figure 346. Flow Control Valve.PILOT VALVE BODYFigure 347. Pilot Valve Body.Figure 347. Pilot Valve Body. - ContinuedFigure 348. Parts Kits For Solenoid Valves P/N 86476413 and P/N 86476421.Figure 349. Drifter Controls Flow Control Valve (Sheet 1 of 8).Figure 349. Drifter Controls Flow Control Valve (Sheet 2 of 8).Figure 349. Drifter Controls Flow Control Valve (Sheet 3 of 8).Figure 349. Drifter Controls Flow Control Valve (Sheet 4 of 8).Figure 349. Drifter Controls Flow Control Valve (Sheet 5 of 8).Figure 349. Drifter Controls Flow Control Valve (Sheet 6 of 8).Figure 349. Drifter Controls Flow Control Valve (Sheet 7 of 8).Figure 349. Drifter Controls Flow Control Valve (Sheet 8 of 8).Figure 349. Drifter Controls Flow Control Valve - ContinuedFigure 349. Drifter Controls Flow Control Valve - ContinuedFigure 349. Drifter Controls Flow Control Valve - ContinuedFigure 349. Drifter Controls Flow Control Valve - ContinuedREMOTE CONTROL ASSEMBLYFigure 350. Remote Control Asssembly.Figure 350. Remote Control Asssembly. - ContinuedFigure 351. Remote Control Panel (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 351. Remote Control Panel (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 351. Remote Control Panel - ContinuedFigure 351. Remote Control Panel - ContinuedPUSH SWITCH (EMERGENCY STOP SELECTOR)Figure 352. Push Switch (Emergency Stop Selector).Figure 352. Push Switch (Emergency Stop Selector). - ContinuedFigure 353. Printed Circuit Board (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 353. Printed Circuit Board (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 353. Printed Circuit Board - ContinuedFigure 353. Printed Circuit Board - ContinuedFigure 354. Automate (PLC) Box (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 354. Automate (PLC) Box (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 354. Automate (PLC) Box - ContinuedFigure 354. Automate (PLC) Box - ContinuedELECTRICAL POWER CABLE ASSEMBLYFigure 355. Electrical Power Cable Assembly.Figure 355. Electrical Power Cable Assembly. - ContinuedAUTOMATE (PLC) BOX CABLEFigure 356. Automate (PLC) Box Cable.Figure 356. Automate (PLC) Box Cable. - ContinuedWARNING LABELSFigure 357. Warning Labels.Figure 357. Warning Labels. - ContinuedFigure 358. Dust Collector (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 358. Dust Collector (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 358. Dust Collector - ContinuedFigure 358. Dust Collector - Continued