TM 5-3805-280-24-1
Track System
NOTE: It is not necessary to remove the recoil spring
CAUTION: Spring or rod may break if
to replace wear ring (D) and U-ring packing
dropped while handling, transporting or
(E). To replace O-ring (H), remove recoil
disassembling. Nicks or weld craters in
spring (J) and rod (G). The recoil spring is
spring and rod assembly can cause stress
removed using the ST4920 Track Recoil
concentration resulting in a weak spot. Weak
Spring Disassembly and Assembly Tool. (See
spots can result in immediate or eventual
procedure in this group.)
failure of spring or rod creating a risk of
personal injury. Put a heavy protective
1. Remove recoil spring if necessary. (See
covering around spring assembly when
Disassemble and Assemble Track Adjuster and
handling, transporting, or disassembling.
Recoil Spring in this group.)
A compression tool must be used for
disassembly and assembly because of the
extreme preload on spring.
Continued on next page