TM 5-3805-280-24-2
13. Repair and replace parts as necessary.
CAUTION: Before removing the separator
tank, purge the system of all air pressure.
14. Install separator tank (55) and cap screws (44).
1. Disconnect hose (5) and remove elbow (4).
15. Install parts (39--42).
2. Disconnect fitting (11) and remove lenz tube (10).
16. Install parts (32--36).
3. Disconnect hose (6) and remove tee (7).
17. Install O-ring (50), hose (51), flange halves (52),
lock washers (53), and cap screws (54).
4. Disconnect hose (19).
18. Install elbow (38) and hose (37).
5. Remove parts (20--28).
19. Install connector (49), elbow (48) and hose (47).
6. Disconnect hose (13) and remove parts (14--17).
20. Install parts (14--17) and hose (13).
7. Disconnect hose (47) and remove elbow (48) and
connector (49).
21. Install parts (20--28).
8. Disconnect hose (37) and remove elbow (38).
22. Install hose (19).
9. Remove cap screws (54), lock washers (53), flange
23. Install tee (7) and hose (6).
halves (52), hose (51), and O-ring (50).
24. Install lenz tube (10) and fitting (11).
10. Remove parts (32--36).
25. Install elbow (4) and hose (5).
11. Remove parts (39--42).
12. Remove cap screws (44) and separator tank (55).
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