TM 5-3805-280-24-2
Rock Drill
NOTE: Front and rear linings must be extracted by
15. Turn clamping assembly, 59829 (A) upside down.
using an hydraulic press and special tools.
16. Place front housing (B) on clamping assembly,
59829 (A).
10. Place clamping assembly, 59829 (A) on hydraulic
press block.
17. Using a handling screw (100 mm long), insert the
two half shells (F).
11. Place the front housing (B) on the clamping
assembly, 59829 (A).
18. Turn spacer (D) upside down and insert two half
12. Insert two locating pins (C) in the rear of the front
housing (B). Adjust the position of the front
19. Press spacer (D) to pull rear lining out.
housing so that the pins drop into place.
20. Remove and discard all O-rings and lip seals from
13. Insert spacer (D) in retainer (E).
front housing (B).
14. Press Spacer (D) to pull front lining out.
Continued on next page
CED,OUOE019,5 1909MAR9912/20