TM 5-3805-281-24-1
Group 15
Sub-System Diagnostics
Dome light 5-amp fuse F18
The following conditions must be met for the circuits to
Auxiliary 10-amp fuse F19
With key switch S1 ON, voltage must be present at the
With key switch S1 OFF, voltage must be present at
the following:
Battery positive terminals
Key switch S1 terminal M
Key switch S1 terminal BAT
Battery relay K14 terminal S and A
Battery relay K14 terminal B
Radio and monitor controller backup 5-amp fuse F1
Starter motor terminal C
Engine and pump controller 10-amp fuse F2
Engine control (EC) motor 10-amp fuse F3
Power On 10-amp fuse F5
Battery power 5-amp fuse F9
Monitor controller and display 5-amp fuse F6
Battery power 40-amp fusible link F21
Switched power 5-amp fuse F7
Switched power 10-amp fuse F8
Starter protection relay K11 terminal 1
Travel alarm 5-amp fuse F10
Work and drive lights 20-amp fuse F11
With key switch S1 in ACC position, voltage must be
Windshield wiper 10-amp fuse F12
present at the following:
Blower motor 20-amp fuse F13
Air conditioner controller and relays 5-amp fuse F14
Key switch S1 terminal ACC
Start Aid 20-amp fuse F20
Horn 10-amp fuse F15
Fuel shutoff 40-amp fusible link F23
Radio 5-amp fuse F16
Lighter 10-amp fuse F17
CED,OUOE012,130 1915MAR991/1