TM 5-3805-281-24-2
Cooling System
Heavy-Duty Adjustable Fan Drive Assembly
A--Fan Hub/Pulley
C--Snap Ring
G--Pipe Plug
B--Grease Seal
D--Ball Bearing (2 Used)
F--Bearing Housing
H--Support Plate
6. Install snap ring in housing groove. Visually inspect
snap ring installation for proper seating in housing
1. Pack inner and outer bearings (D) with TY6333 or
TY6347 High Temperature Grease. Apply clean
7. Apply a thin coat of clean engine oil to O.D. of seal
engine oil to bearing I.D. and shaft O.D.
casing (B) and to seal lips. Install seal in housing
bore until metal casing is flush-to-0.50 mm
2. Support end of shaft (E) and install bearings
against shoulder. Apply force to bearing inner race
(0.020 in.) below housing face.
8. Apply clean engine oil to I.D. of fan hub/pulley (A).
Support end of shaft through pipe plug hole in
3. Support bearing housing (F) on a firm flat surface
bearing housing and push onto other end of shaft
with bearing bore in the upward position.
until it bottoms against shoulder.
4. Install bearing and shaft assembly into housing.
9. Install washer and cap screw. Tighten cap screw to
Small end of shaft should extend through housing.
80 Nm (60 lb-ft).
5. Determine proper snap ring (C) thickness needed to
obtain 0.10 mm (0.004 in.) end play.
Continued on next page