TM 5-2420-230-24-1
a. Removal.
Remove floor mats from cabin.
Remove four bolts from front center floor plate and remove floor plate.
Remove three self-locking nuts from brake pedal assembly and remove brake pedal. Discard self-locking nuts.
Remove cotter pin and pin from foot pedal to valve. Discard cotter pin.
Ensure air pressure is drained to 0 psi (0 kPa) before taking off any air components. If pressure is not
released, components could blow off and harm personnel. The IHMEE air system is pressurized to
119 psi (820 kPa). Do not drain air from a tank with any part of body in air spray path. Skin embolisms
and/or debris in eyes can occur from released pressure. Failure to comply may result in injury or death
to personnel.
Tag all hoses, wires, and tubes and note their positions before removal.
Remove cable ties as necessary.
Cap and plug all tubes, hoses, and fittings upon removal.
Remove bolts from foot brake control and remove foot brake control.
b. Installation.
Installation of the foot brake control is a reversal of the removal procedure with attention given to the following points:
Ensure pneumatic fittings are clean and free from debris.
Ensure supply and exhaust fittings are not cross-connected.
Ensure all fittings are tightened.
c. Follow-On Maintenance.
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