TM 5-2420-230-24-2
B3.9 and B5.9 Series Engines
Piston and Connecting Rod Assembly (001-054)
Section 1 - Cylinder Block - Group 01
Page 1-95
Install the drive belt. Refer to Procedure 008-002.
Service Tip: If difficulty is experienced installing the drive
belt (the belt seems too short), position the belt over the
grooved pulleys first, and then, while holding the tensioner
up, slide the belt over the water pump pulley.
Piston and Connecting Rod Assembly
General Information
There are a number of power-related problems, including
excessive lubricating oil consumption, smoke, blowby, and
poor performance, that can be caused by inadequate seal-
ing between the piston rings and the cylinder walls. A
blowby measurement can help detect the problem.
A free-floating, hollow piston pin is used to attach the piston
to the connecting rod. Lubricating the pin and journal is
accomplished by residual spray from piston cooling.
The piston pin end of the connecting rod is angle-cut to
provide additional bearing surface. The connecting rod end
is fitted with a bronze bushing.