TM 5-2420-230-24-2
Cylinder Head (002-004)
B3.9 and B5.9 Series Engines
Page 2-20
Section 2 - Cylinder Head - Group 02
Install alternator and alternator bracket. Refer to Proce-
dures 013-003 and 013-001.
10 mm
Assemble the alternator bracket to the thermostat housing.
Refer to Procedure 013-003.
[18 ft-lb]
Check the alternator pulley alignment. Use a straightedge
to make sure it is aligned with the other pulleys and is
parallel to the front face of the block.
Tighten all capscrews in the following sequence:
1. Alternator-to-alternator bracket capscrew
2. Lower brace-to-alternator capscrew
3. Alternator-to-water inlet capscrew
4. Water inlet-to-block capscrews.
NOTE: Wrench size and torque value is determined by the
make and model of alternator. Refer to the Engine Com-
ponent Torque Values.