TM 5-3805-280-10
The compressor oil must be replaced every 500 hours of operation or six (6) months, whichever comes first for
models HP600 - P1600.
Refer to the fluids and lubricants chart for ambient temperature ranges and specifications, in the lubrication
section of this manual.
The compressor oil must be replaced every 500 hours of operation or six (6) months, whichever comes first for
models P100-P600. The compressor oil must be replaced every 1000 hours of operation or six (6) months,
whichever comes first for models HP600-P1600.
Refer to the fluids and lubricants chart for ambient temperature ranges and specifications in the lubrication
section of this manual.
Wipe inside of air cleaner housing with a
clean, damp cloth to remove any dirt
The Model XP330SCU is equipped with air cleaner
accumulation, especially in the area where
service indicators mounted on the main
the element seals against the housing.
instrument/control panel.
Inspect element by placing a bright light
Inspect daily the air cleaner service indicator. Never
inside and rotating slowly. If any holes or
guess about restriction in the air cleaner. Always
tears are found in the paper, discard this
know what condition your air cleaner is in with the
If no ruptures are found, the
assistance of the service indicator. If it is not
element can be cleaned by one of the
working properly, or is missing, replace it.
following procedures.
Maximum compressor and engine protection against
If a new air filter element is to be used check
the ravages of dust is possible only if the air cleaner
it closely for shipping damage. To reset the
is serviced at regular intervals or whenever the
signal indicator in the special wing nut, apply
service indicator shows red.
suction to the red window.
Visually inspect the position of the flag in the air
Install cleaned or new elements in the
cleaner restriction indicator. Normally, the flag in a
reverse order to the above. Tighten wing nuts
service indicator shows green, indicating the filter
firmly and replace cotter pin.
element is still serviceable. If the flag shows red
Inspect to ensure that the end cap seals
when the unit is operating at full speed or stopped, it
tightly 360 degrees around the air cleaner
is an indication that proper servicing of the filter
element is necessary.
Also weekly squeeze the rubber valve (precleaner
dirt dump) on each air cleaner housing to ensure
that they are not clogged. NOTICE: Holes or cracks
downstream of the air cleaner housing will cause the
restriction indicators to be ineffective.
The air filters restricted sensor will automatically
reset after the main power switch is flipped to "OFF."
To service the air cleaners on all units proceed
as follows:
Loosen outer wing nut and remove with outer
element. Inspect red window on special inner
wing nut to find small dot. If dot is not visible,
remove cotter pin and special wing nut and
inner (safety) element.
Inspect air cleaner housing for any condition
that might cause a leak and correct as