TM 5-3805-280-24-1
Drifter maintenance
A or B
The control of the inflation pressure or the repara-
Shut the drain cock E.
tion of an accumulator can be done, drifter in place on
Open the bottle of nitrogen and set the pres-
the guide rail.
sure reducer to the theoretical inflating pressure of
the accumulator to be controlled.
Make sure that the drifter's energy supply has
been cut and that the hoses are not under pres-
LP accumulator = 4 bar.
HP accumulators = 40 bar.
Onto the inflation tool, mount a gauge correspond-
When the pressure has been stabilized shut
ing to the pressure to be checked :
LP accumulator = 10 bar gauge A.
Unblock and unscrew the inflating screw C
HP accumulator = 60 bar gauge B.
for some turns.
If the pressure indicated on the gauge
Attach the inflation tool (cpn 86490364) to the
falls more than 3 bar replace the accumulator dia-
accumulator lid ;
Make sure that the key C to unblock the inflat-
If the pressure is correct reblock the inflat-
ing screw is well engaged on the screw head.
ing screw.
Tighten the fixing screws D progressively so
Open the drain cock E.
that the inflating device rests correctly on the accu-
Remove the inflation tool.
NB : Due to the weak pressure of the LP
Fully tighten setting screw (E).
accumulator an accurate control is difficult.
If necessary change the diaphragm and re
Connect the inflation tool to the bottle of nitro-
inflate systematically.