TM 5-3805-280-24-1
Drifter maintenance
Mount a tight ring D and a new inflating screw
The control of the inflation pressure or the
reparation of an accumulator can be done, drifter in
place on the guide rail.
Fix the inflation tool equipped with its gauge
Make sure that the drifter's energy supply
on the accumulator lid (see Accumulator Check).
has been cut and that the hoses are not under
Turn off the drain cock.
Unscrew the inflating screw on the accumu-
Open the nitrogen bottle and set the pres
lator to lower the residual pressure.
ure reducer to the required pressure :
Using the special socket A (cpn 86493392)
- 4 bar for LP accumulator
and a torque wrench, unscrew the accumulator lid.
- 40 bar for HP accumulators.
Remove the faulty diaphragm.
When the pressure has been stabilized,
block the inflating screw at 22 mN (16 ft.lbs).
Carefully wipe the accumulator flange to re-
move any traces of oil.
Shut the nitrogen bottle off, turn on the drain
Mount the new diaphragm B (clean and dry).
cock to relieve pressure from the tool.
Grease the visible part of the diaphragm with silicone
(ref 67714) or some other good quality lubricant.
Remove the inflation tool.
Put a new 0'ring C on the accumulator lid.
According to the position of the drifter, fill up
the housing for the inflating screw with oil and check
Oil the thread of the lid and block it at 1400
that there are no bubbles.
mN (1030 ft.lbs).