TM 5-3805-280-24-2
Lubrication System
4. On 4-cylinder engines with balancer shafts, lock
crankshaft at TDC using JDG820 or JDE83 Flywheel
Turning Tool and JDE81-4 Timing Pin, then lock the
balancer shaft (inj. pump side) using a lock-grip plier
so that balancer shaft cannot turn while oil pump gear
is being removed.
IMPORTANT: When removing nut and gear from
tapered oil pump drive shaft, take care
not to damage fine threads on end of
5. Remove nut (B) and pull gear from tapered oil pump
B--Gear Retaining Nut
drive shaft.
To remove oil pump gear, loosen nut several turns and
apply force between the front plate and gear on two
sides of gear with pry bars.
If above method does not work, loosen oil pump
housing cap screws and strike the nut on end of shaft
with a small lead hammer while applying force to gear
until gear is free of tapered shaft.
6. Remove oil pump pick-up tube, as described earlier in
this group.
Continued on next page
RG,20,DT7524 1917NOV972/3