TM 5-3805-281-10
Cold temperatures can cause the tool to become brittle and
break. This failure can be avoided by warming the tool when
working in cold temperatures.
Break at Retaining Groove
This failure is a result of using a tool with worn or damaged
retainers. Any time a tool is replaced the tool retainers should
be inspected for wear and replaced if worn or damaged.
Breaking of Chisel Tip
This failure is caused by the improper contact between the
tool and the material being broken.
Mushrooming of Tip
This failure is caused by hammering too long without penetra-
tion of the material. This generates extreme heat and softens
the tools materials which then mushrooms. Once a tool has
been overheated, the properties of the tool's materials are
permanently altered. This change of properties can then lead
to premature failure of the tool. This damage can be prevented
by proper lubrication and operation.