TM 5-3805-281-24-2
Cylinder Block, Liners, Pistons, and Rods
4. Finish seating cylinder liners using a clean, hardwood
block and hammer.
5. Gently tap hardwood block over top of cylinder liner
with mallet.
NOTE: Cylinder liner will protrude over top of cylinder
block more than normal due to uncompressed
packings and O-rings.
IMPORTANT: If you suspect a packing may have
sheared or displaced during liner
installation, remove and examine the
liner and packing assembly. If no
damage is found, check packings for
proper position. Resoap packings and
reinstall liner assembly.
6. Hold liners in place with large flat washers and cap
Seating Cylinder Liners in Block
screws. Turn cap screws snug but do not tighten.
7. Clean cylinder liner bores with waterless hand cleaner
after installation. Wipe dry with clean towels.
8. Apply clean engine oil to liner bores immediately to
prevent corrosion.