TM 5-3805-281-24-2
Turbocharger Disassembled
A--Compressor Housing
C--Center Housing
D--Turbine Housing Clamp
E--Turbine Housing
B--Compressor Housing
Clamp Plates
IMPORTANT: When cleaning turbocharger do not
clamps (B).
or turbine housing. Spinning rotor
4. Remove compressor housing. Gently tap
with high pressure spray may cause
compressor housing with a soft hammer, if
bearing damage.
necessary, to remove. Be careful not to damage
compressor housing or compressor wheel.
Cap or plug all openings (including exhaust and intake
ports) and clean exterior of turbocharger with a
5. Remove turbine housing cap screws and clamps
pressurized cleaning solvent. Dry turbocharger with
compressed air.
6. Remove turbine housing. Gently tap turbine housing
1. Place turbocharger on a clean flat surface.
with a soft hammer, if necessary, to remove. Be
careful not to damage turbine housing or turbine
2. Scribe a location mark on the turbine housing (E),
center housing (C), and compressor housing (A) to
turbocharger is assembled.