TM 5-2420-230-24-1
Table 3-6. Unit Troubleshooting Table. -- Continued
Test or Inspection
Corrective Action
Ensure air pressure is drained to 0 psi (0 kPa) before taking off any air components. If pressure is not
released, components could blow off and harm personnel. The IHMEE air system is pressurized to
119 psi (820 kPa). Do not drain air from a tank with any part of body in air spray path. Skin
embolisms and/or debris in eyes can occur from released pressure. Failure to comply may result in
injury or death to personnel.
Step 3.
Drain air system (Para 15-4) and remove air lines (5) at solenoid block (6). Start engine and allow air
pressure to build (TM 5-2420-230-10). Observe for air after an assistant put DIFFERENTIAL LOCKS
switches (1) in ON position.
Remove all jewelry such as rings, dog tags, bracelets, etc. If jewelry or tools contact positive electrical circuits, a
direct short may result. Damage to equipment and injury or death to personnel may occur.
Step 4.
With DIFFERENTIAL LOCKS switches (1) in ON position, remove wires PJ38-Y and PJ38-Z at solenoid
block (6), and ground to vehicle chassis (refer to FO-3). Have an assistant observe differential lock
actuator clevis (2) for movement or engagement.
If differential lock actuator clevis (2) moves, replace wire harness (Para 12-27).
Step 5.
With DIFFERENTIAL LOCKS switches (1) in ON position, check for 18 to 24 Vdc at wires 291 and 292
If proper voltage in not present, replace faulty DIFFERENTIAL LOCKS switch(s) (1) (Para 12-14).
Change 1