TM 5-2420-230-24-2
B3.9 and B5.9 Series Engines
Crankshaft Wear Sleeve, Rear (001-067)
Section 1 - Cylinder Block - Group 01
Page 1-113
For a wet flywheel housing, use soap on the outside di-
ameter of the seal case.
For a dry flywheel housing, nothing is required on the
outside diameter of the seal case.
Crankshaft Rear Seal/Wear Sleeve Installation Tool, Part
No. 3824078
Use a service tool, Part No. 3824078, to install oil seal/wear
sleeve assembly. Install two (2) threaded studs into the
crankshaft capscrew holes.
Apply a small amount of clean lubricating engine oil to the
crankshaft, threaded studs, and inside diameter of the
crankshaft rear seal/wear sleeve installation tool.
Position the chamfered end of the wear sleeve (A) onto the
end of the crankshaft (B). Position the counterbore end of
installation tool (C) over threaded studs, and align with
wear sleeve, perpendicular to the end of the crankshaft.
Install the washers (D) and nuts (E) onto the threaded studs.
Alternately tighten the nuts one-half turn until the installa-
tion tool contacts the end of the crankshaft.
NOTE: Do not exceed one-half revolution of each nut to
prevent wear sleeve binding and irregular stretch.
[15 ft-lb]
Remove the installation tool and threaded studs.