TM 5-2420-230-24-2
B3.9 and B5.9 Series Engines
Cylinder Head (002-004)
Section 2 - Cylinder Head - Group 02
Page 2-13
14-mm Flat-Blade Screwdriver
Completely loosen the rocker lever adjusting screws.
NOTE: The rocker lever pedestals are aligned with dowels.
Install the pedestals.
Capscrew Length Gauge, Part No. 3823921
Inspect all cylinder head capscrews for proper length using
Service Tool No. 3823921.
Lubricate the 8-mm pedestal capscrew threads and under
the capscrew heads with clean lubricating engine oil.
Install the capscrews finger-tight.
Capscrew Length Gauge, Part No. 3823921
Inspect all cylinder head capscrews for proper length using
Service Tool No. 3823921.
Lubricate the 12-mm pedestal/head capscrew bolt threads
and under the capscrew heads with clean lubricating en-
gine oil.
Install the capscrews finger tight.