TM 5-2420-230-24-2
B3.9 and B5.9 Series Engines
Cold Start Timing Advance System (KSB) Remote (005-046)
Section 5 - Fuel System - Group 05
Page 5-93
Engines with CPL 1351 must be wired with the resistor in
the harness.
The wiring harness used on the electric solenoid-style KSB
NOTE: Pin B of the metro-pack connector is blank on the
electric solenoid style KSB wiring harness.
The electric solenoid-style KSB wiring harness contains a
3-ohm resistor in the wire leading from port C of the metro-
pack connector to the KSB electrical solenoid connector.
The 3ohm resistor is mounted to a bracket that is utilized
as a heat sink to absorb heat that is generated by the
port C of the metro-pack connector and the KSB electrical
solenoid connector.
Repair the wire if there is an open circuit.
(Spec = Less than 10 ohms).