TM 5-3805-280-10
Adjustment of drilling automatisms
20) By acting on V1 screw, reset feed pressure
tor correct coupling motion : about 1 millimeter vibra
ion and coupling temperature less than 100 C.
p Control simultaneously penetration rate and cou
ling temperature.
If coupling temperature is above limit although
coupling vibration is correct, reduce operating per
ussion pressure by tightening V2 screw.
Adjust flow regulator on feed return A2
21) While drilling the starter rod (or the rod drilled
at the highest drilling rate) progressively close the
flow regulator 5 until the feed back-pressure
reaches 5 bar (check the pressure on A2" gauge).
s 22) Then, re-open the flow regulator 5 by 1 divi
For example : if position 6 creates 5 bar back
pressure, re-open the flow regulator to position 7.
V3 drifter power regulator setting
Machine off:
This setting must be carried out when drilling
12) Unlock safety nut and loosen V3 screw until
conditions allow maximum percussion pressure and
the internal spring becomes free (V3 screw returns to
actual feed force (i.e. hard, non fractured rock, feed
free rotation).
back pressure A2" = 0 bar).
13) Unlock safety nut and fully tighten V2 screw
23) With a wrench, hold V2 screw in position.
(hold V3 screw to prevent re-tightening).
24) Tighten V3, until percussion pressure drops
14) Set the feed flow regulator 5 on position 10.
(check the pressure on P2" gauge).
15) Remove V4 cap, and fully tighten V4 setting.
25) Loosen so as to recover the initial pressure
plus an additional 1/4 turn.
Machine running:
26) While drilling with drifter percussion control
16) Press the bit against the rock by acting on
alternatively in Auto" and Manual" positions, verify
feed lever.
that the percussion pressure remains the same.
17) Preset drilling feed pressure (V1 setting) to
27) Secure all locking nuts.
80 - 100 bar (1140 - 1430 psi).
V4 Progressive feed control setting.
28) While drilling the last rod (or the rod drilled
These settings must be carried out when oil has
with the highest rotation torque) in homogeneous
reached its normal operation temperature.
ground, loosen V4 setting until the feed back pres
ure slightly increases (check the pressure on A2"
18) Start drilling (flushing, rotation, percussion,
feed) in homogeneous, non fractured rock with
29) Then re-tighten V4 setting for 1 turn.
drifter percussion control in Auto" position.
19) Set the operating percussion pressure to
Air flushing valve
- 140 - 155 bar (2000- 2215 psi) for Hc 150
(or less depending of the bit size, rod diameters,
While drilling with the drifter percussion control in
rock hardness...) by loosening V2 screw. Check the
auto" position, switch off air flushing and check the
pressure on P2" gauge.
drifter reverses.