TM 5-3805-281-24-1
Hydraulic System
20. Apply plastic gasket (high strength) to outer diameter
of oil seal (B).
21. Install seal with spring side into bore first. Use a disk
driver to push seal to bottom of bore.
22. Apply multi-purpose grease to seal lips.
23. Install snap ring (A).
NOTE: Use a soft faced hammer to make sure bearings
are tight against bottom of bore.
A--Snap Ring
24. Install motor drive shaft assembly into housing, using
B--Oil Seal
care not to damage seal lips.
CED,OUOE023,174 1901JUN989/14
25. Install spacer (G) with notches to bottom of bore and
aligned with notches in housing.
26. Install plates (F) and disks (E):
Begin with one plate and align notches in plate with
notches in housing gear.
Install one disk.
Repeat step, alternating plates and disks. Keep
notches of disks aligned with one another.
27. Apply petroleum jelly to O-rings (C and D). Install
O-rings on piston (B) with rounded side out.
28. Make sure brake port (A) is clear to allow air to exit
as piston is installed.
NOTE: To ease installation of piston apply petroleum jelly
to outer diameter of piston.
29. Install piston (B) evenly into bore.
A--Brake Port
E--Disk (4 used)
F--Plate (5 used)
Continued on next page