TM 5-3805-281-24-2
Cylinder Block, Liners, Pistons, and Rods
As the cylinder liner wears, a ridge is formed at the top
of piston ring travel zone. If this ridge gets too high,
pistons and rings can be damaged when they are
removed. Remove any ridges from liner bores with a
scraper or ridge reamer before removing pistons.
5. Before removing pistons, visually inspect condition of
cylinder liners with pistons at bottom dead center
"BDC". Liners will require replacement if:
The crosshatch honing pattern is not visible
immediately below the top ring turn around area.
Measuring Rod Bearing-to-Journal Clearance
Liners are pitted or contain deep vertical scratches that
can be detected by the fingernail.
No further inspection is required if any one of the
above conditions are found.
NOTE: Connecting rod bearing-to-journal oil clearance
should be measured before removing piston/rod
Use PLASTIGAGE as directed by the
manufactured. Remember, the use of
Removing Connecting Rod Caps
PLASTIGAGE will determine bearing-to-journal
oil clearance, but will not indicate the condition of
either surface.
6. Rod bearing-to-journal oil clearance can be checked
with PLASTIGAGE if rod is connected to crankshaft. If
rod is out of engine, measure I.D. of assembled
connecting rod bearings and compare with O.D. of
crankshaft journal.
PLASTIGAGE is a trademark of DANA Corp.
Continued on next page