TM 5-3805-281-24-2
Cylinder Block, Liners, Pistons, and Rods
IMPORTANT: Remove all old gasket material, rust,
carbon, and other foreign material from
top deck of block. Gasket surface MUST
BE CLEAN. Use compressed air to
remove all loose foreign material from
cylinder and top deck.
NOTE: Liners having obvious defects must be replaced
as a matched piston and liner set.
1. Bolt liners down using cap screws and flat washers.
Flat washers should be at least 3.18 mm (1/8 in.) thick.
Tighten cap screws to 68 Nm (50 lb-ft).
Bolting Down Cylinder Liners
2. Use JDG451 Gauge Block (A) along with D17526CI
(English, in.) or D17527CI (Metric, mm) Dial Indicator
(B) or KJD10123 Gauge to measure the height of
bolted down liners that are not obviously defective
before removal from block.
NOTE: Variations in measurement readings may occur
within one cylinder and /or between adjacent
3. Measure each liner in four places, approximately at 1,
5, 7, and 11 O'clock positions as viewed from the rear
of the engine (flywheel end). Record all measurements.
Checking Cylinder Liner Height Above Block
4. Remove any liner that does not meet standout
specification at any location and measure liner flange
thickness, as explained later in this group. Use liner
shims or replace piston/liner sets as necessary.
Height Above Block ............................... 0.051--0.127 mm (0.002--0.005