TM 5-3805-281-24-2
NOTE: If engine has previously had a major overhaul and
undersized bearing inserts were used, I.D. and
O.D. dimensions may not be the same as those
recorded. However, oil clearance must be
0.030--0.107 mm (0.0012-0.0042 in.). Replace
4. Measure O.D. of all respective crankshaft main
journals at several points around journal.
Crankshaft Main Journal--Specification
OD ............................................................................. 95.201--95.227 mm
(3.7480--3.7491 in.)
Use crankshaft journal O.D. measurements to determine if
journal is out-of-round or tapered.
Crankshaft Journal Wear--Specification
Taper per 25.4 m (1.0 in.) length ......................... 0.0025 mm (0.0001 in.)
Measuring Crankshaft Main Journals
Out-of-Roundness .................................................. 0.025 mm (0.0010 in.)