TM 5-3805-281-24-2
Lubrication System
1. Clamp oil pump drive gear (B) in a soft-jawed vise and
install drive gear onto oil pump, if removed. Tighten
mounting nut to 54 Nm (40 lb-ft).
2. Using a new gasket, install oil pump intake (pickup)
tube onto oil pump cover and tighten cap screws
41 Nm (30 lb-ft), if removed.
NOTE: Lubricate new O-rings with clean engine oil when
installing oil pump outlet tube (C) into oil pump
and oil cooler (tube) adapter.
3. Install oil pump-to-oil cooler adapter tube into oil cooler
Installing Engine Oil Pump
4. Install oil pump assembly on other end of oil
pump-to-oil cooler adapter tube.
5. Rotate oil pump assembly into position over locating
dowels in cylinder block.
IMPORTANT: Do not hammer directly on pump
housing as it could cause binding of
6. Seat pump onto dowels using a hard rubber hammer
on the flanges; be sure drive gear is properly meshed
with crankshaft gear and oil pump outlet tubes are
properly positioned in O-ring bores.
7. Tighten oil pump housing-to-cylinder block cap screws
(A) to 42 Nm (31 lb-ft).